One Problem Down-Another One To Go

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Well, at least not until an hour from now.

My stomach rumbles, and I silently curse it. Ice cream sounds good right about now. I creak my door open, not making any loud noises, and tip toe down downstairs.

Into the kitchen, I open the freezer door to hunt for some ice cream. My eyes scan for my favorite type, and to my surprise, they have it.

Ben and Jerry’s Cinnamon Buns.

I lick my lips and grab the container, along with a spoon. I scoop a mouthful of ice cream onto the spoon and shove it into my mouth.

Heaven on earth, I tell you.

I start to quietly work my way out of the kitchen, but someone’s voice freezes me. “That was mine, you know.”

I turn around to face Charles. “Good.” I shove some more into my mouth purposely. “Mmm, this is so good.” I moan through a mouthful of ice cream.

He scowls playfully, but I throw him the finger and proceed on my way to pout in my room. Once I get to the doorway, Charles is already blocking it, and I bump into him.

“God damn it!” I curse, grimacing from the pain.

“Karma.” He smirks and I throw him the finger again.

“Let me get to my room.”

“Actually, we own this house, therefore, my room.” He corrects.

I shrug. “Fine. I’ll just go back to my house then.” I twirl around and dart for the other exit, but he gets there before I can. Damn those vampire reflexes.

“No!” He says quickly, looking panicked now. “We need to talk.”

I raise my eyebrows sarcastically. “Oh, so now you want to talk. Well, guess what? I don’t now. Bu-bye.” As quickly as I can, I spin around to the other exit, but Charles is there quicker than the flash. Damn him.

“Nora, I’m serious. We have to talk. Now.”

“Charles, I’m serious. I’m not talking right now. Bye!” I mimic him and twirl on my heel, but before I can even move, Charles grabs my hand, pulling me into him. He picks me up and I mumble a ‘hey’ and he sets me on the counter, trapping me. Damn every sing part of him!

“Now you have to talk.” He smirks in victory.

I huff and cross my arms, sticking my chin out. “No. You cant make me.”

“Your as stubborn as a bull.” He mutters, then locks his gaze with mine. It’s so strong, I cant even look away if I wanted to. “What you saw before was nothing.”

I scoff. “Right. ‘Making out with some hoe’ falls into the category of ‘nothing’. To me, that would fall under ‘cheating on your girlfriend.”

His gaze hardens. “You didn’t care if you were cheating with my own brother!”

We stare at each other for a long time, face to face. “If you would listen to me,” I break the uncomfortable silence, “you would know that I NEVER CHEATED ON YOU. Edward needed help to ask a girl out, Anna, and I said to pretend that I was Anna. I was only helping him.” I hiss.

His gaze remains the same. “So what was the part about ‘don’t tell my brothers’? Huh?”

I smile wryly. “That part was because you are a horrible brother and would pester him about it. He didn’t want any of you to know he was going out with Anna.”

His whole face softens. “Really?”

“No.” I snort sarcastically.

He smiles. A genuine smile. “I feel a lot better and I’m extremely sorry. The only reason I didn’t want to talk to you was because I really thought you were gonna tell me your in love with my brother. I would have kicked the shit out of him then.”

I ignore his last comment. “Let me go now.”

“What?” He frowns in confusion. “Don’t you have something to say?”

“Nope. Go make out with your slut now.” I motion towards the door.

He laughs awkwardly and scratches his neck. “I’m really sorry about that too. You wouldn’t leave my mind and I thought you were in love with my brother, so I wanted to…uh…” He trails off.

My eyes widen in realization. “You were trying to get me jealous!?!” He nods slowly. “I could have done way better than that!” Really? All that was to make me jealous? It’s sort of sweet, in a way. But still heart-breaking.

Taken aback he blinks. “What did you just say?”

“I said I could have done better than that. I would have went out and partied hard with some boys and the football team from my high school. That would make you jealous.” I smirk when I see his muscles tense up.

“So your not mad at me?”

I frown. “Asshole, if I could punch you in the face, I would. So instead I’ll key your car when your not looking.” I laugh insanely and rub my hands together.

A slow grin breaks out onto his face. “As long as I have you back, you could light my room on fire for all I care.” He pulls me into a hug.

I nod my head. “That’s not a bad idea after all.”

He quickly pulls me out of the hug. “I wasn’t serious.”

“But I was.”

He smiles and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. “That’s so much better than the girl I sent home.”

I smile. “It’s suppose to be that way. Now, I want to finish my ice cream. That’s way better than kissing you, since you suck at kissing.”

He groans and let’s me up from the counter. “Your gonna bring that back now?”

“Honey, it was never gone.” I smirk and pop some ice cream into my mouth.



“Did you really party with the high school football team?”

“Charles!” I groan.

have you guys tried ben and jerry's cinamon buns ice cream??? its seriously the best ice cream i've ever had. go try it. NOW. :)

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