Training and TV

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"So, I believe that we have some common grounds now." Richard said with a tone of self confidence as he sat across me.

Sarah twitched a little at the sound of his voice, while I glared daggers at him. How dare he come to my house, having his meat boulders standing around the living room and demand to talk? I really, really wanted to punch him.

"Common grounds you say." I gritted my teeth, smiling coldly.

Richard sat across from me and Sarah, all elegance in the way his arm draped over the couch and his left leg was bent over the right. He motioned for one of the men behind us and a stern looking man with dark sunglasses appeared to Sarah's right, giving to Richard a tablet.

"My crew has assembled all the necessary equipment for the house. After today's incident, I believe that you can help our...friend."

I scowled. He wanted James to learn about 21st century? "Why don't you do that?"

Richard looked at Sarah and grinned. I didn't like the way he looked at her. "You can also use the help of dear Sarah from here." He turned to me. "And I would gladly pay the loan for the diner and ensure that you can apply to any college in the US."

"I don't want your pity or your money." I seethed at him and I felt Sarah's hand tightening in mine.

"Mr. Richard." She said and we both turned at her.

"What is so important that you would offer to pay my family's debts?" Her voice was low and her eyes were pinched in the corners. She knew something was up and her curiosity was way to clear.

"There are some acquaintances of mine who require Your cooperation would be highly appreciated."

I snorted and Sarah frowned. "Yeah right."

Sarah turned to Richard. "They are staying at the mansion."

"Yes and I'll be going on a trip to Iceland for a while, so you need to help them."

I groaned. I had no problem helping James. For a living statue he was a nice guy but Sarah shouldn't get involved. Ad I didn't want her to be around in case there were more gargoyles involved.

"We accept." She said and I turned at her.


"Good. Details can be found on the envelope." Richard replied and quickly he got up from the couch. As if on cue his bodyguards moved and walked outside from the house, not bothering to close the door.

Richard was the last to walk out, casually pulling on his heavy coat. "You are a great help, both of you. I'll not forget this."

I eyed him with cold hatred, wishing I could hang him, just to wipe out his cocky grin. "Just leave Mr. Richard. And don't worry. Your...guests will be safe with us."

"Thank you Martika."

And with that, I slammed the door to his face.


Sarah's knees bounced as I drove to the mansion. Having no other choice but to tell her everything, Sarah had dutifully listened to me as I told her about Richard, the creepy book and James. Since then, she was quiet but I knew that her mind was spinning as she was trying to comprehend everything I'd just said.

"Sarah...please tell me you have passed your I'm-freaking-out phase. Because I really need some help here."

She looked at me with wide eyes and her knees stopped bouncing. "I've been thinking." She said and I glanced quickly at her before turning my eyes back to the road. "About what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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