[15] Control-freak.

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     Vivien was in his common position, leaning on the window sill and looking outside, wobbling now and then, a smile on his face at last.

     If there was one thing that he would never screw over or be screwed over by, it was alcohol.

     Sure, it mightn't be a good idea to drink so early in the morning with an empty stomach, but hell. He found it in the fridge and it simply cried for Vivien.

     He took another sip and then did a double take at the view displayed in front of him. If he looked hard enough, he could see a spot of red between the leafs of a tree, and after looking at the empty bed in the room, he remembered Day's absence.

     Vivien sighed and left the room, the two liters plastic bottle of wine in hand. God bless Day's resource!

     He entered the elevator and slumped against the mirror, but the button panel was to the left wall. He raised his arm, trying to reach for the ground floor button from where he stood, but it was obviously too far. Someone must have took it ahead of him, because the doors closed on their own and the lift moved downwards, stopping at the second floor.

     Tate stumbled inside the elevator, by the looks of it being even drunker, and randomly pushed a finger against the panel, accidentally pressing 3 and 1 before the ground floor.

     He then slumped next to his friend and Vivien snorted.

     "Why the hell are you drunk for?" he asked curiously, passing him the bottle.

     Tate gulped down some wine and hissed at the good taste before answering. "My girlfriend dumped me..."

     Vivien laughed with his mouth closed. "Why'd she do tha'?" he asked, watching as the blond took another sip.

     "She dumped me yesterday because I had drank too much." he said, falling against the opposite wall as the elevator reached the 3rd floor with a bump.

     "Well then, why did you drink yesterday?" Viv asked, gripping the support bar.

     "Because she said she was going to dump me if I keep drinking." Tate laughed, at which Vivien joined loudly and offered a hi-five, but they terribly missed.

     The elevator stopped at the first floor, sending Tate stumbling into Vivien, who in turn giggled, pushing him back on his feet.

     They eventually managed to reach the ground floor and exited, Viv taking a deep inhale of the curious, pitiful and disgusted glances darted his way, stretching as he did so. He then gestured Tate to follow him, the blond obeying as he swung the bottle in his hand.

     The two friends walked all the way to the tree Vivien had seen Day in and stopped underneath it, watching the redhead as he lay on the big, thick branch, his legs wrapped around it and his arms crossed under his head.

     Vivien nudged Tate in the side, nodding towards the man mischievously. Tate nodded and handed him the bottle, then positioned himself under the red haired man, clearing his throat.

     "Wakey wakey motherfucker!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, everyone in the area glancing his way just as Day jumped in place and lost his balance with a yell of shock.

     He desperately gripped at the bark but in vain, because he soon fell down. Tate was there to catch him, though, but as soon as all of the man's weight landed in his arms, they both fell to the ground with a loud thud.

     Vivien started laughing and then took another gulp before slumping down next to his friends and offering the bottle to Day, who was trying to understand his surroundings.

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