Kathryn | 02

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It all happened so fast.

I stared at the car, dazed approaching me. Every single cell in my body froze as I stared at the vehicle, speeding towards me.

"MISS!" a voice shouted and in a blur, a hard thud hit me, causing me to fall on the ground. I opened my eyes to see a man on the cement road surrounded by blood.

My eyes widened as I ran to the guy, noticing the crowded mob surrounding us. I looked in the window of the drivers seat to see a girl unconscious, noticing blood on her forehead.

"Sir! Sir!" I cupped the cheeks of the man with my hands smearing blood everywhere. "HELP! CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I shouted as I continued shaking him.

After a few minutes, the sound of sirens and flashing lights brought my attention towards the ambulance. I watched multiple people spill out of the vehicle along with a stretcher, transferring the man onto it. It took me a while to realize that the man in front of my eyes saved me.

He saved me. He pushed me so I wouldn't get hit. The stranger risked his life. For me.

I got in the ambulance still shocked from what happened. The girl in the car was there too, along with the man. I stared at the man, occupied by an oxygen mask.

I recalled the moment from earlier, happening so quickly. He saved my life. Saved me from getting get hit. Thoughts filled my brain as I composed everything that just happened.

But the biggest thought of all hit me.

Who is he?

Crossroads (JaDine, KathNiel, & LizQuen Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon