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Wow almost 900 views I'm shocked that I have this many thank u to everyone who reads and votes for my book it means a lot thank u once again. Enjoy!

"What are these for again?" I asked Jack as I look back down at the two buckets full of water. One held by Jack himself and the other by Will. "Come now darling, stop asking questions and just wait and see" Jack told me again for what seemed like the tenth time. "Can I have a bucket to?" I ask not wanting to be left out, Jack huffed out a bit of air. "Fine hurry up we haven't got all night," smiling I grab one myself and fill it up with water too. Careful not to spill any I hurry after Jack and Will.

A dirty older looking man lay sleeping, a few lazy pigs serve as pillows. Jack tosses one of the buckets of water over him. The pigs grunt and squeal in surprise. So that is what they were for, now I remember the man is Mr Gibbs Jacks first mate I think to myself and laugh to myself at how funny this is. Mr Gibbs immediately wakes up and flails his arms about, yelling, "curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot!" He freezes and squints his eyes at us. "Mothers love. Jack! You should know better than to wake a man when he's sleeping. S'bad luck!" Jack holds up a finger, "Ah, fortunately I know how to counter it." He replies smugly. "The man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink. The man who was sleeping drinks it, while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking." I listen to Jack in awe this was one of the things I love about him. Gibbs twists his face in concentration, trying to make sense of it, I had no problem though. "Aye," he grins, "that'll about do it." Gibbs was about to stand up when Will empties the seconded bucket of water over of him. "Blast! I'm already awake!" Gibbs roars looking murderously at Will. "That was for the smell," Will simply states not looking effected at all. Gibbs looks set to hurl insults, when he contemplates his words. Giving in, he just nods and gets up. Watching Gibbs push his hair back from his face I ready my bucket of water and wait until he's facing me. Hurling the water towards him I laugh at his shocked face "for the last time I'm wake and don't say it was for the smell!" Gibbs yells at me, I continue laughing but stop soon enough. "What I didn't want to be left out" I say smiling innocently, Mr Gibbs just shakes his head at me, Will smiles and Jack chuckles giving me his devilish smirk.

We wandered into a tavern, packed with people laughing and shouting, but mainly fighting and of course drinking. The sound of glass smashing and fists meeting flesh could be heard as Jack and Mr Gibbs lead us through the crowd with mugs of rum in there hands, Will had said no to one and I wasn't even asked. Jack mutters to Will "keep a sharp eye." Before sitting at a table with Gibbs. The two lean over their mugs and start talking to one other while I stand next to Will as he leans against a wooden beam that supports the roof.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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A pirates life for me ( Pirates of the caribbean fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora