Chapter 2

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“So how’s ya first week been?” my dad asked me at the breakfast table, I looked at him and thought for a moment “It’s been great actually” I said and carried on eating my breakfast “I’m glad you’ve settled in love, you coming in with me today?” dad asked, I quickly check my phone then shook my head “I’m walking in with Lauren” I said just as I was texting my friend “Alright, see ya later” dad said, he kissed my head then walked out the house. I quickly finished my breakfast then went into the living room to play on my Xbox before Lauren came at half 8. I didn’t realise what time it was until I heard a knock at the door, I quickly saved my game and turned the Xbox off before grabbing my bag and opening the door to a smiling Lauren “Morning” she said way too cheerfully for a Monday morning, we hugged each other before I locked up the house and we walked down the path then street. We had our arms linked and were deep in conversation but stopped when someone wolf whistled “Who’s ya friend Lauren?” I froze a little when I saw who it was “Kyle Stack” I said as I showed my face, he stared at me in shock and almost fell back from the wall he was sat on, he jumped down and walked over to us “How is she?” he whispered to me trying to make sure Lauren didn’t hear “Fine” I said back before tugging on Lauren’s arm and walking off “You know him?” she asked, I just nodded since I wasn’t ready to tell anyone at Waterloo Road about my past.

Me and Lauren had actually become really good friends, I felt at ease when I was with her like I could talk about anything with her and she wouldn’t judge me. “Kaitlin!” I heard my dad shout when we walked through the gate “Yes dad?” I asked, turning around and raising an eyebrow. “Do your tie properly please” he said, before turning around to Phoenix and Harley. I watched him before turning around with Lauren “Like I’ll listen to you here dad” I said, quiet enough so Lauren could hear it but not loud enough for my dad. Lauren smirked and we walked over to where Finn and Josh were playing football. “Looks like Kyle’s back today” Lauren said she looked at me but didn’t say anything, Finn suddenly stopped what he was doing and didn’t say anything as Josh ran off to get the ball “What’d you mean?” Finn asked, walking over to us “We just passed him on our way here, started calling Kait fit and that, must say she wasn’t impressed and we left him speechless” Lauren lied, I smiled at her in a thanks for not telling them “Ha” Finn said, he put his arm over my shoulder and walked me into the building “Looks like I don’t need to tell ya to come to me if he tries ought but I will warn ya, Kaitlin, ‘e’s bad news so stay away from him” Finn said, I looked at him and raised my eyebrow “Like I can’t handle him, I had to deal with worse at my old school. And Finn? Stop putting your arm around me it were one kiss and you were drunk” I said and pushed his arm away before walking down the corridor, I turned back to see him smiling before I walked into the music classroom where my other friends seemed to be “What’s goin’ on in ‘ere then?” I asked, Denzil turned round and smiled when he saw me “Sir’s starting an orchestra” Scout said and she came over to me leaning against the other side of the door frame “Then why’ve you got a guitar?” I asked, pointing to the guitar case. “How’d you know what that was?” Denzil asked, he pulled up the guitar case and opened it, surprised at the fact that I had been right. “I play guitar, Denz, I know what a guitar case looks like” I said, Scout laughed and I looked at Mr Wilding watching his eyes light up in excitement “You play guitar?!” he exclaimed, I laughed then walked over to the guitar case. I picked it up and started playing the tune to I’m Yours by Jason Mraz, after playing the beginning tune I started singing the song smiling at the fact that everyone had gone quiet the second I started. Once I’d finished they all started clapping me and it made smile like an idiot “You’re amazing, Kaitlin!” Mr Wilding said, “Aw thanks sir” I said and put the guitar back in it’s case, “If I bring my own guitar can I join the orchestra with it?” I asked Mr Wilding nodded enthusiastically; I smiled before walking out the classroom. My converse squeaked a little on the floor as I practically danced down the corridor, “I’d like to see you dance but not like that” I heard someone say behind me and I spun round to see Kyle “Fuck off, Stack, what’re you even doing here? You hate school” I asked, he looked at me carefully then sighed “Look, I’m sorry okay? I was a dick to you for not helping you with Ashleigh and I’m sorry” he said, I stared at him for a second before a small smile spread across my face “It’s fine, Kyle, it doesn’t matter now anyway. Ashleigh’s in care and that’s that, she’s better there” I said then smiled and went down the corridor until I walked over to Lauren, Finn, Josh, Vicki and Ronan. “Where did you get off to?” Lauren asked when I came over, “I was testing out Mr Wilding’s guitar” I said and stood with my friends for a bit. Once the bell had gone, I walked with Lauren and Vicki through the corridor to the main hall where we all had to go to choose subjects for our AS or A level or even GCSE, I stood in between Vicki and Lauren as my dad gave out a speech about choosing the right subjects for our abilities and blah blah blah, I zoned out by this point. We stood there quietly as Mr Clarkson gave us a speech then Mrs Diamond, I’d gotten bored now and just started looking around the hall until I heard the hall doors bang open “There ‘e is mum” the girl said, as I looked closer at the family I realised who it was “Madi” I said and went over, “Kaitlin!” Madi said and pulled me into a hug as her mum went over to Mr Diamond. Madi soon pulled away and went over to her mum, I watched her for a second then went back to Lauren and Vicki, watching as the events unfolded ending with Madi shouting at Miss Diamond, I shook my head but laughed at the things being said. “You know them then?” Lauren asked when they’d left the hall, I sighed and nodded “Yep, I went to dance class with Madi while I was at my old school” I explained, I hadn’t seen Madi in about a year since she’d dropped dance when she moved away. “Right what subjects do you wanna look at missy?” Lauren asked when everything had calmed down “Erm, English, Art, Science and I think Maths too” Lauren nodded before linking her arm with mine and taking me other to Mr Budgen “Ah Kaitlin, before you even think of coming any further I think you should know that there is a test to get into this subject” Mr Budgen said before either of us even opened our mouths, I looked at Lauren then back at Budgen “Oh that’s alright sir, is this the test?” I asked, picking up a past English exam paper. I stood there flicking through it “Looks easy enough, sign me up” I said and threw the paper back on the pile, Mr Budgen was completely gobsmacked that it took him a few seconds to process what just happened before he grabbed the sign-up sheet and passed it to me with shaking hands, I smiled at Lauren then signed my name at the top. “Cheers sir” I said then walked off with Lauren over to Maths. “Aw sir can we play some Xbox?!” I asked, excitedly when I saw the game on the screen. I quickly saw Tariq playing and grabbed the other controller joining in his game “You might as well give up now, Tariq” I said to him, he looked at me and smiled shaking his head before we really got into the game. I was about to win when Mr Chalk came over and changed the screen “Aw sir, I was about to win!” I groaned and threw my controller down in annoyance, Tariq stalked off but I stayed since I did actually want to do Maths. Lauren stayed with me while Mr Chalk explained what would happen in A-level Maths, about what we’d do and how it could help getting into Uni and jobs later on. We’d stayed there for about 10 minutes before I decided to sign the sheet and move on to the Art table. I didn’t even need to hear anything about it, I just scribbled my name at the top and walked off over to Science. “You can go if you want, Lauren, go and see the subjects you want” I said to her, she nodded and went off leaving me with Denzil and Phoenix “Welcome ladies and gentleman, to CSI Waterloo Road” Miss Diamond said once she returned, she pulled back the plastic screen revealing what was a very convincing murder scene. Me and Denzil looked at each other before both wowing and stepping inside “Now if this were a proper crime scene and we had the right kit, we’d use Chemistry to analyse the DNA. Biology to examine the body and Physics to figure out the strength of the fatal blow” Miss Diamond explained as she handed out a black case with different Scientific equipment inside. “So what I want you to do is use your detective skills to track down the killer” Miss Diamond added, she looked at Vicki and saw them both smiling at each other. “So what clues can we learn from the murder scene?” Miss asked us, “There’s blood everywhere, Miss, the victim probably got hit dead ‘ard and it splattered everywhere” I said pointing at the different blood stains “Excellent Kaitlin” Miss Diamond praised me, she bent down and took a swab of the blood on the floor and passed it to Vicki. “There’s blood on the floor miss” Denzil said, pointing to the trail of blood leading away from the “murder scene” “And you’re off. I want you to find the murder weapon and then who done it” Miss Diamond said, Me and Denzil looked at each other before he grabbed my arm and pulled me the way the blood stains went. “Look the window’s open” Shona said once we’d followed the trial outside, “Yeah I reckon that’s where the killer snuck in” Denzil said as Phoenix bent down and took another swab, by this point I’d got bored of walking and Denzil was giving me a piggyback. Denzil walked me over and we both started doing swabs of different stuff that we found, I didn’t even notice Madi had been there until I noticed Vicki watching them. “What’s that?!” I shouted, pointing over to a white piece of paper on the floor, we all ran over to it and Rhona bent down to take a swab of it. After a bit, Denzil couldn’t be bothered to carry me any more so Phoenix did instead, we followed the blood splatters all the way into Mr Budgen’s room where Phoenix did eventually put me down. “Aww look at this” Denzil said as he pulled out a hammer from Budgen’s drawer “I bet it’s him, Budgen’s the murderer” I said and took the hammer from Denzil and wrapped it up. “Aw look at this” Shona said and ran over to Mr Budgen’s open closet door “I bet there’s another dead body in there” Denzil said, walking over “Yeah yours if Budgen catches you” Vicki said, walking in the classroom. “He probably won’t even notice it’s such a dump” Rhona said and walked out with a blue plastic bag, she put it on the table and started going through it “Ahahaha Shit, it’s full of Whiskey bottles and ready meals” Rhona said pulling out a ready meal “Er gross he eats corn beef” Shona said holding up the packet, I looked at Vicki and even she couldn’t help herself from laughing. “Er what’d you think you’re doing?” Mr Budgen asked when he came into the classroom and saw us “Aha, it’s you innit. You’re the murderer” Shona said, she dropped the corn beef on the floor and went over to him, Vicki did the same and got a finger print from him “Er oi you can’t do that” Mr Budgen said when he realised what Vicki was doing “I think you’ll find we can, sir, it’s for Mrs Diamond” Denzil said, we watched Vicki as she matched up Budgen’s finger print with the one from the crime scene “Knew it was ‘im, you’re just too dodgy sir” I laughed and we all ran out the classroom to go back and see Miss Diamond. Once we’d told Miss about who done it, I met up with Finn and went to the canteen with him, we were just getting our food when I saw Shona and Rhona going up to Zack, Madi’s sister. I didn’t hear what they were saying but saw them trip Zack up so he dropped his food “Oi, Shona, Rhona why’d you have to be such bullies to make yourselves look big? Picking on the younger ones, you just look like a twat doing that” I shouted them before getting my food and sitting down with Finn. Once we’d finished our dinner I went with Finn to meet up with Lauren and Josh before going over to Vicki and Ronan “So what time d’you want us round tonight?” Josh asked, resting his hands on Vicki’s chair “Yeah can’t wait to see it” Lauren added, Vicki looked at Ronan then behind at us confused “What?” She asked, looking back at her boyfriend. “What part of the word surprise do you lot not get?” Ronan asked, obviously annoyed. “What surprise?” Vicki asked “I was organising a house warming” Ronan said “Yeah it’s gonna be great” Finn said before we all walked off together. We walked out the canteen and into the corridor but I stopped when I saw Kyle “I’ll catch up with you” I said to them, they nodded and walked off not giving me a second look. As soon as they were out of ear shot I went over to where Kyle was standing “You coming to Ronan’s party tonight?” I asked, I saw him jump at the sound of my voice and I smiled a little “Jesus Christ, you tryna give me a heart attack?! And party? Yeah I’m up for a party” Kyle said, I nodded and handed him the piece of paper with the details on, I  didn’t even know if Roan would want Kyle there but I just thought one more wouldn’t hurt and he had said the more the merrier. At the end of lunch I went back to Lauren and went with her round the different subjects, “Kaitlin come here a second” I heard my dad shout me just before the bell went for the end of the day “Are you going to that party tonight?” he asked, I looked at Lauren then back to dad “Yeah, Lauren’s gonna nip home with me so I can get an outfit then I’m going round hers then staying over tonight if that’s okay?” I asked cautiously, I watched my dad and he eventually smiled “Yeah that’s fine” dad said, I hugged him quick then walked out the school with Lauren when the bell went.

We quickly went back to my house and I packed a bag before walking round to Laurens, as soon as we got there we went straight up to her room to get ready. After curling my hair and doing Lauren’s we did each other’s make up then got into our party outfits. I had a blue and white flowery dress on, light blue converse, a bright blue satchel, some bangles and I’d done my nails with the Superman logo ( and we were both ready to go. “Lauren! Finn and Josh are here” Lauren’s mum called up to us and we walked out her room and to the top of the stairs, Finn and Josh both wolf whistled as we walked down the stairs before we walked out Lauren’s house and started walking to Vicki and Ronan’s house. “Aw wow, this is well nice” Me and Lauren said as we walked inside, “Oh before I forget, Ronan, I kind of sort of accidently invited Kyle to the party, I hope you don’t mind” I asked, biting my lip a little, Ronan looked at me then smiled “Nah that’s okay, as long as he don’t cause trouble” Ronan said “He won’t with Kaitlin around” Lauren said, we all laughed then Vicki took both me and Lauren and pulled us upstairs. Once Vicki had shown us upstairs we heard the music down stairs and I grabbed Lauren’s hand before dragging her downstairs again. I took her hands and we started dancing together getting drink after drink, I danced with Lauren for about half an hour before she went off to find Josh and I saw Kyle walk in, I smiled and walked over to him but I didn’t get there in time as Madi suddenly appeared in front of him. She was obviously drunk and she took Kyle’s hand and pulled him over to dance. I huffed in annoyance and went over to sit with Scout “Sup with you?” I asked Scout once I sat down beside her “Just bummed about the guitar” she said, I looked at her and thought for a moment “How about I teach you to play, you can come round mine once a week, you can use my brother’s guitar and I’ll teach you to play” I said, Scout’s face lit up as she pulled me into a hug “That’d be great! But wouldn’t your brother mind?” “Scout, my brother’s in Iraq in the army” “Oh” I was about to say something else when I saw a hand in front of me, I looked up and saw Kyle so took his hand and stood up. “Where’s Madi?” I asked as he pulled me into the living room to dance “Ronan and Vicki got her a taxi” Kyle said, I just nodded and ended up spending the rest of the party with Kyle, turns out he wasn’t such a twat after all.

When everyone had gone home, me and Lauren stayed to help them tidy up a bit “The party were great” I said to them both as we tired away the last of the alcohol bottles “Oh, Kaitlin my mum’s outside we better go” Lauren said, I nodded and quickly hugged Ronan and Vicki good bye before walking out there apartment with Lauren.

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