1. Him

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8 yrs old

He was strange. I had found myself being absorbed with watching him from afar. And I was intrigued as to why the other kids threw sand in his hair. Did he steal their toys? Mommy always taught me to share. So why were they being meanies to him? I didn't understand.

11 yrs old

Today I had brought in my new puppy to show during show and tell. He was a big bundle of fur and I loved him. I had begged my mom to let me bring him in. She had gotten him to make sure I was never lonely.

While I was showing max to my 6th grade class he sat in the corner. He wasn't in trouble though. I wondered why he would want to be alone. I didn't understand.

13 yrs old

I had finally learned the boys name. The one who had gotten sand thrown in his hair and that liked being alone. His name was Cameron. But I liked cam better and told myself I would call him that.

I vowed to befriend him. I didn't want him to be lonely. Mom told me that no one truely wants to be alone. Even of they said they do.

I had told mom about Cam. And she told me to make sure I made him happy. She told me that I could save him. I didn't understand.

14 yrs old

Mom had told me a story.

It was one about a handsome prince. He had the same name as dad. His name was Aaron. He had met a beautiful girl. But the girl hadn't known she was beautiful.

Harmless (Book 3) {Aaron/Cam}Where stories live. Discover now