Family Night

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Harry ~age 23~


I'm currently at Mum's house waiting on Harry and Gemma to come so we can leave. Today I am taking my family to Pétrus for dinner. "Mum does this look good on me?" My son Sam asked fixing the buttons on his shirt. "You look like a mini Harry." I said. With Sam being only 6 years of age, Harry as an influence on him. "Thanks." He said walking to dad and sitting at the island with him.

" He said walking to dad and sitting at the island with him

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"Where here!" Harry tells walking into the kitchen. "Dang Harry do you have to be that loud." Gemma said taking a water.  "Don't you look beautiful Y/N." Harry said taking a sit beside Sam. "Thank you." I said turning to Gemma. "So Y/N where is mum." She is up stairs she isn't quite done getting ready." I said.  "Should we go and help her?" Gemma asked holding out her arm. "We shall." I said while looping my arm into hers.

Harry POV

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Harry POV

"Wow, Sam I like your suit,but to really give that I'm Harry Styles nephew look unbutton it down a little more." I said while unbutton his shirt a little more.
"Now he really looks like you." Dad said with a smile. "If we could have your attention please we will now be your wife and our mother Anne Cox." Gemma and Y/N said stepping out of the way. Mum walked down with a beautiful black dress on. "You look amazing." Dad said. "Thank you,shall we leave?" Mum asked. "We shall." I said as we walked out of the door and to our cars and heading off to  Pétrus.

" I said as we walked out of the door and to our cars and heading off to  Pétrus

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5 hour later

Y/N pov

After we left Pétrus I felt like three pigs. The food there is really good. I staying at Harry's tonight because he said he didn't want to risk me leaving with Sam leaving at that time  if night.

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