Hue - THPT Thua Luu 2009-2010

Start from the beginning


Part 1: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals  and so that the meaning stays the same .

1.     Why don’t we go to the cinema tonight ?   (FILM)


2.     Children don’t attend classes on Saturday .    (SCHOOL)

Children ................................................... 

3.     Cats are not as loyal as dogs .                         (MORE)

Dogs .........................................................

4.     “You’ve broken my radio , Frank” , said Jane (ACCUSED)

Jane ............................................................

5.     Susan regrets not buying that house .         (WISHES)

Susan .........................................................

6.     The bread was too stale to eat.                        (FRESH)

The bread..................................................

7.     I’d prefer you to start work next week .     (RATHER)

I ..............................................................

8.     There is no ice- cream left .                         (RUN)


9.     Let’s visit the museum this afternoon .      (GO)


10.                                                            I haven’t eaten food like this before.(TIME)

This is.....................................................

Part 2:  Complete  the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first  sentence

1.     “ I was not there at the time”

He denied.............................................

2.     It is not necessary for you to do the test .


3.     Although he is intelligent , he doesn’t do well at school.


4.     We couldn’t get to work because of the heavy snow .

The heavy snow.........................................

5.     I’m sorry I was rude to you yesterday .

I apologise............................................

6.     Would you like me to finish the work tonight ?

I’ll ........................................................

7.     We didn’t go because it rained.

If  .....................................................................

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2011 ⏰

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Hue - THPT Thua Luu 2009-2010Where stories live. Discover now