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I have to tell Aphmau. I have to. "Aph we need to talk"I said. "Sure. What is the up"she said laughing. "Heh. Ok so. Yesterday I found out I am sick. I will be leaving soon. Aph I'm dying "I said. She looked at me then said"I'm so sorry". I was confused. "What are you sorry for"I asked. "I hurt you"she started crying. "No you didn't"I said. "If I never kissed you you wouldn't be hurt to tell me. You wouldn't be worried leaving me "she said. "None of this is your fault. I am glad you kissed me. I love you. This just means you can find someone else in this world. "I said. "What if I don't want to find someone else"she said. "I don't know"I said. The rest of the day was me and her just hugging. The whole day.

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