Thirty Two.

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Songs for this chapter are: 

*All About You // McFly

*Love is on the Radio // McFly

*Room on the Third Floor // McFly


Louis pulled up in front of a large house and cut the engine off. My eyes were fixed on the red double doors that were inviting me in. 

He had warned me that it would be big, but this was beyond my wildest imagination. 

It had a short driveway that lead right up to the doors and was dotted with bushes that also lay neatly under the large bay windows. In a way it was similar to a child's drawing of a house; two windows up and down yet it was different too. There was a round window inbetween the two top ones which perhaps was the view from the stair case and above that were two square attic windows. Everything looked new and clean and I just wanted to touch it. 

My breath caught in the back of my throat as I gasped and Louis chuckled beside me. "Do you like it?" 

"How did you afford something like this Lou?" He started up the engine again and slowly drove down the driveway before parking. He turned to face me as he took his seat belt off and rested his hand on my thigh, squeezing it. "Work hard play hard I always say, come on, get your bum in there." I copied him and took my seat belt off before following him inside.

Stepping through his front door was nothing like I had imagined it to be. Whenever I thought about walking back into his home, I always imagined it as the tiny flat he owned when we first got together. But this was something so different, especially in contrast. It was bright and open with rooms coming off the corridor that were equally as bright. 

The carpet was white and Louis asked me to take my shoes off. I froze and stared at him wide eyed. " want me to take my shoes off? YOU don't want to make a mess?" He tutted at me and started walking away into a different room, calling back to me as I hurriedly kicked my own shoes off to keep with him. "Things have changed Harry." I scuttled behind him, taking in every detail that I could. The one thing that I did notice was that it was very boyish and Louis-y since there were few decorative things dotted around, everything had a purpose rather than to look nice. 

He had lead me into the kitchen and it looked like it was out of a catalogue, the counters were black with white cupboards and there was an island in the middle with stools around it and fancy drawers and secret places to stash things. I also noticed the vanilla smell that wafted around and tickled my nostrils. 

"Do you want a drink or something?" Louis flapped between the cupboards and I shook my head, pressing my hands to the cold surface and balancing myself. "So you've just been in this big house by yourself all this time?" He paused and stood opposite me, shrugging. "I almost feel sorry for you Lou." He laughed and shook his head, putting a glass of water down on the worktop. 

"I know you're joking but look at it from my point of view. All I have is things Harry, but you, you have so much love and light and purpose. Isobel is something and it fills you up. You come home to someone waiting for you, and I come home to this. It's always the same and I feel empty." I did feel sorry for him but then I remembered he did this to himself. "You chose this Lou, everything I have could have been yours too. And sometimes it is about the stuff. Do you know how many nights I've lost sleep scared that I might not make ends meet that month? I've gone days sometimes without eating meals so I could give Isobel three meals a day." He took a deep breath and looked down to the counter. "I'm sorry Harry." 

There was a silence that filled the air, and it was uncomfortable, but Louis tried to resolve it by walking round the island to me. He came up behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder while his hands rested on the counter either side of me, trapping me. "I'm so sorry Harry. I never realised that things would get that difficult for you. I don't know how much longer I can spend apologising for my mistakes but I can make it up to you." I spun around in his arms to face him and saw how close his face was to my own. "I don't want you to apologise anymore. I say this is a new start. Right now. We draw the line now and just start again." He pushed his nose closer to mine and gently eskimo kissed it. 


He broke the gap between us and leant in to kiss me. Even though it had only been a few hours since our last kiss I felt like I had forgotten everything about his lips. The way he tasted felt new and different and he was working faster this time. His hands hooked round my thighs and picked me up to push me onto the counter. My own hands gently cupped his cheeks and held his head in place so he couldn't pull away, but he still did.

Our faces were so close, I could feel his breath tickling me as he spoke. "Why don't you move in here then?"  

The Story of Us // L.Sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن