Chapter 15 - The Fight

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Chapter 15 – The Fight

Damien wasn’t sure what had happened. His mind was slightly buzzed, and as he looked into the raging eyes of Devon, he tried to recall what happened.

He’d been looking for Gabby after she’d disappeared from the bar. The sight of Peter and Danni had made him feel annoyed, but he shrugged it off—they had to follow the plan.

When his foot stumbled over a lamp, he avoided kissing the floor with a finesse he didn’t know he had. He could hear someone yelling, but he ignored them. Gabby had appeared to be wasted, so she was more important right now.

She hadn’t been between the empty beer bottles, or other trash in the kitchen. He dismissed the thought that she would be upstairs since Gabby wasn’t the kind of girl to go into a room with someone. Besides, he had seen her face when she looked at Peter. Nope, she definitely wasn’t upstairs.

Damien scanned the dining room once more. People were sprawled out everywhere. Part of him wished he had a camera just so he could show them how wasted they all had been.

“Have you seen Gabby?” Peter’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

Damien focused on him and shook his head. “No, I’m trying to find her.”

“I should go look for her then,” Peter replied. He turned back to wave at Danni before turning around to Damien again. “Can you entertain Danni while I look?”

Well. Duh. Damien wanted to reply, but refrained from. Their plan was more important. “Sure.”

He left Peter and walked over to Danni with a smile.

“Where did Peter go?” she asked, looking around.

“He’s looking for Gabby. Something about a school project.” Damien shrugged. Why didn’t she meet his eyes?

“Ah, I see…”

Damien watched as she started to bob her head to the beat of the music. Her blonde hair danced moved around her head, framing her face. “Would you like to dance?”

She sent a look towards the door Peter had disappeared through before nodding. “Yeah.”

Damien took her hand, and was mesmerized as he looked Danni who started to move her hips. He noticed the little shadow from her eyelashes, along with the way her upper lip was shaped like a heart.

Dude, that’s so gay, he thought. Shaking his head, he returned his attention to Danni, who took his hand and placed them on her hips. Aww, yeah. That’s righ—

His jaw exploded with pain, and he stumbled backwards. Looking up, he saw Devon with a threatening look on his face. Devon’s fists were clenched hard, and Damien could see little spots of blood on Devon’s knuckles.

Raising his right hand, Damien wiped at his chin, surprised to see blood on his hand. “Dude…” he started, still staring at his hand. Anger started to grow, and he jumped up. “What the fuck, Devon?”

Devon sneered. “You don’t get to look at her that way.”

Damien narrowed his eyes. “That’s none of your business.”

Devon opened his mouth twice before spitting on the ground. “Wanna take this outside, pretty boy?”

It was a challenge—Damien knew that. He wiped his face once more before turning around to Danni. “I’ll be right back. Stay in here.”

“Please… Damien. Don’t fight him,” Danni begged. Her voice was barely a whisper. Damien saw the worry in her eyes, and his stomach turned. He wished the worry was for him instead of Devon, but he knew better. Damien knew her feelings for Devon, and she’d never tried to hide them from him.

“I’ll try not to,” he said. He swallowed, and turned to walk with Devon.

They walked outside on the front lawn, where Devon turned around raising his fists, ready to strike.

“What’s this about, Devon?” Damien asked.

“You know what this is about,” Devon said.

“No. I really don’t.”

“Fuck you!” Devon charged and pushed at him.

Stumbling backwards into the people behind him, Damien lost balance and fell. Luckily, the surrounding people caught him. He thanked them before getting up again. “Look. You dumped her. You have no right to decide for her, and you sure as hell don’t have any right to decide for me either.”

“Son of a…“ Devon charged once again.

Damien stepped aside and held up his hands in surrender. Danni’s words echoed in his mind. “Look. I honestly don’t want to fight you.”

Devon responded with a sound that resembled a growl. For some reason, Damien found this extremely hilarious. He started to giggle uncontrollably.

“What’s you game? You want to use her, is that it?” Devon said.

Damien recognized is as bait, but he wasn’t about to lose his cool. From the sideline, he could hear Danni try to reason with him. He glanced at her with a sad smile, then returned his attention to Devon.

“Just shut it, Devon,” he said. Moving around in a circle.

Devon grinned in mockery. “I bet that’s it! You just want to tap that delicious ass, turn away and never look back.”

“Shut it…” Damien was losing his calm.

“You think I’m going to allow you to toy with her? You’re not but a little shitbag,” Devon continued.

Damien lost it. He sent a silent apology to Danni before he charged at Devon. His fist hit Devon’s jaw, making him stumble. With another punch, Damien managed to get Devon on the ground. Jumping on top of his large body, Damien threw punches at his face.

“Stop it!” Danni screamed.

It took every bit of control in Damien to step away. He spat out the remnants of blood. “Don’t take me as a heartbreaking tool like yourself. You had your chance, and you lost it.”

Damien turned around but stopped himself. Glancing down at the guy on the ground, he snorted. “You know… If your feelings had been just half of what mine are for Danni, then you might actually have been a decent guy.”

“Whatever,” Devon muttered. “You belong with that bitch.”

His words stung deep in his heart. How he wished… He walked away, and stopped beside Danni. “I can’t believe you dumped me for that tool.”

“Damien…” Danni said, her eyes wide and moist with tears. “I—“

“WHAT?” someone screeched, interrupting Danni.

Damien turned around to find Gabby staring at him with wide eyes.

Oh, crap.

 A/N: First chapter in someone else's POV. What do you think? Did I manage to make it work? Also, here you get a bit of info on Damien's background, and why he might have been acting... odd. lol. What do you think? Comment, vote, tell a friend. :) 

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