i want emily very badly

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January 23, 2000

Today is a Sunday. On Friday night, there was a dance just for 8th graders. Tyler and I hung out and danced on all the slow songs. At the end, there were four slow songs all in a row, and we never once stopped dancing through all of them. When I dance with him, my face is right next to his neck, because he's taller than me. We were dancing very close, but we didn't hook up, which was okay I guess, because there were a ton of people around us. After the dance, when we were all outside waiting for our rides, I was holding onto Tyler because it was so cold! When my dad's car pulled up, I gave Tyler a long hug and he said, "I'll be at Louis's tomorrow. Call me from wherever you are."

I went over Stacy's house the next day and called Louis's house from there. He and Tyler came over and for some reason they brought Mark. But he just sat there any didn't say anything the whole time. We watched TV and I was sitting next to Tyler on the couch, but we still didn't hook up. They had to leave at 5pm, and I walked them to do the door but I didn't hug Tyler goodbye, I'm not sure why.

Then Laura and Emma called and asked us to go to the movies to see Down to You. The movie started at 7:40pm. Catherine, Lisa, Emma, Laura, and Steph were all there - they're the popular girls, so I was kind of nervous to be hanging out with them again. But Maggie, Erin, and Shauna ended up meeting us there, too, and I was with Stacy, so I felt better. James and Steven came, too, and Matt and some of his older friends.

The movie sucked, but the experience was fun because we were like, talking back to the people in the movie and it was really funny. And Stacy had her dad's cell phone, so we were calling people on it in the middle of the movie, and some of Matt's friends had laser pointers that they were pointing at the screen. [I feel so sorry for anyone else in that theater, just trying to watch Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Julia Stiles make out in peace.]

James said he had called me earlier in the day to see if I could babysit his nieces, but I had been over Stacy's. He's going out with Laura now, which I found out at the movies. There were three people sitting between us, so we had to lean forward to talk to each other. He said, "It would have been cool if you came over to babysit, but I would feel weird being like, alone in the house with you." "Why?" I asked. "Because... I'm going out with Laura and you're going out with Tyler, and..." he shrugged. "James!" I said, "we're friends. There's nothing to worry about." He said, "Tyler might get jealous."

I don't want things between James and me to get weird. We've been friends for so long and I trust him so much. I don't want him to get worried about our relationship.

Anyway, speaking of jealousy, if you have AOL you get to make a profile, where you're supposed to put your name, location, occupation, favorite quote, etc. [a/s/l? No?] But my friends and I have fun with them. Jacob taught everyone how to make them different colors and fonts, and most people fill theirs up with inside jokes they have with their friends. Anyway, Tyler's said:

name: laura is cool

marital status: i want emily very badly

hobbies: umm... hailey and catherine

personal quote: kaylee, put me in your profile! LOL

I had told James that I was jealous that Tyler had so many girls named in his profile, especially since they're those girls. He has a lot of classes with them and I guess they're better friends than I thought. Anyway, I guess James told Tyler, because I looked at his profile tonight and in the marital status it said: "jealous =)".

I was slightly pissed off, so I went to edit my profile, and where the marital status used to say "Tyler," I changed it so it said, "I am NOT jealous." Well, he came online and said, "I see you changed your profile." I said, "Well, that's cause you changed yours!" He said, "Huh? No I didn't. Go look at it." So I did, and now it said exactly what it had said before, but at the bottom he'd added: "the only girl in this profile that i really like is emily."

I wanted to cry! He is so adorable! I changed my profile back immediately. He said, "Mine was always like that - you must have just missed it." Ohh, he's so cute! I love him to pieces. [I guess this was the precursor to the ever-stress-inducing "relationship status" on Facebook.]

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