He shrugs scratching his head. I tilt my head placing my hands on my hips and giving him that ''stop frontin" look.

"Alright I might be but her and August are-" I cut him off

"They're actually not doing too well right now," I lie "and they aren't even together."

"Sooo..." He says moving his hand in a circular motion

I smack my lips, geez do I have to spell it out for him "Soo..I think you guys would actually be kinda cute together."

"Really?" he gives me a surprised look, narrowing his eyes

"Oh yeah most def'. I'm just saying you should get with her before August does she's fair game." I say backing up towards the door

"Mmhm..." he says I can tell he's thinking

I just have to catch Mia slipping up again and it will definitely be her demise.


So I'm going to take Ashely's advice and turn on the charm. I want Mia. And now I'm determined to get her. I head over to her room with an preshow Icecream cone.

I knock on her dressing room door. "Come in."

Somehow I manage to open the door with my arm. She sit's up when she noticies it's me. "Uhm Hi."

"Wassup?" I smirk

"Nothing just uhm reading wattpad on my phone." she says placing her phone under her thigh

I have no idea what that is but that's not why I'm here. "Oh cool I brought you some Icecream."

She smiles and reaches for it. I hand it to her. And sit down on the couch next to her licking on mine. "Thanks." she smiles

"You're welcome...so you nervous?" I say changing the subject

"Hell no. I love it." She smiles

Her smile is so damn pretty. I chuckle. "Mmm I bet you're probably gonna' be shaking in your boots when you hit the stage."


"Oh you uh got something right there." I rest my hand on her chin and use my thumb to wipe away the icecream on her lips. Then I look up into her eyes. Admiring the deep brown and specks of green.

I lean forward. I can tell she wants to but she turns her head and I stop.

"Im sorry." I stand up realising I just got denied

"No Corey," She grabs my arm I make eye contact and she breaks it looking away and looking back up into mine "I wanted to but I just can't."

"Why not?"

"I don't know." She mumbles

"Mia." a voice says from the door coming from August's manager "we need you in make-up now."

"Oh uhm okay." she walks out following Tina but looking back at me

I scoff plopping down on her couch continuing to eat my icecream.


Here she goes givin' me the self respect talk. Foreal just zoning her out because she needs to mind her own damn buisness.

After makeup its around 8 so we do sound check and it's time to go.

I kiss my ring. Of course. Then we're dancing while the crowd screams wildly and sings along with the music. It's me and Ashely's cue to leave. I watch Aug from the side. He pulls a fan girl on stage and she's squealing and I couldn't fucking believe my eyes when he kissed her.

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