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"How often did Deathstoke beat you?"

"Whenever I did something wrong," I answered. I was in a room with Black Canary. She was playing therapist as I answered her questions. The League had broken me, but in a good way. I no longer wanted to kill Batman. Heck, he even asked me if I was alright this morning at breakfast. I wasn't confined to my cell 24/7 and I was staying in the Young Justice League's hideout. One Leaguer had to be at the mountain at all times to keep an eye on me, but other than that, I didn't feel like a prisoner.

"Did he leave any scars?"

I shrugged and showed her the marks on my neck the collar that I had been forced to wear for years as Slade's slave. "It was a shock collar. As I grew, Slade never replaced it, so it got tighter and tighter."  I also gestured to my back. "I've also got plenty of scars on my back where Slade whipped me."

"I'm sorry this happened to you, Richard," Black Canary said.

I shrugged. "Whatever. It's in the past." I did secretly feel anger, however. I wished the the League had saved me. I knew that they had no idea that I even existed, well, except for Batman, who thought I was dead,.but it still hurt.  I leaned back in the chair and spun it a little. "Can I go now?"

She nodded. "If you ever need me-"

"Come and talk to you," I finished. I stood up and walked out with a small wave. I walked right into the kitchen and smiled when I noticed that there was food out. I went for a premade sandwich, but I was stopped by Kid Flash. "Don't you dare!" He said, snatching the sandwich up before I could take it. I smirked at him. We'd become close friends, surprisingly, since our lack of interests grew every day. I chuckled a little as I went to make my own.

KF took a huge bite of sandwich. "How'd the talk go?"

I shrugged. "Like always."

He smirked at me. "You always say that! You can't just say 'good' like any normal person?

I shrugged. I had finished my sandwich and walked into the living room. Aqualad was reading a book and Superboy was nowhere in sight.

"Hey Kal-I mean Aqualad," Kid Flash said to the Atlantean. "Where's Supes?"

Aqualad glanced up with a shrug. I wasn't allowed to know the other teen's identities, although everyone just called me Richard or Dick.

"Oh well," I said with a shrug. "At least the tv's open. Wanna play some Assassin's Creed?" I asked, grabbing an Xbox controller.

KF smirked. "Your on!"

He had just grabbed a controller when the arrival of Batman and Martian Manhunter interrupted us. "Gather around, team," he announced. "We have a new member and a mission to announce."

I sighed and flopped down on the couch. I hated it when the team went on missions. I was always left behind. I was about to turn on the tv when Batman interrupted me. "You too, Richard."

"Me?" I asked.

"Don't get too excited," he said. "You're just meeting Miss Martian."

The team had already met her. She looked me up and down then smiled. "I'm Miss Martian," she said, holding out her hand.

"Richard," I said. "But you can call me Dick."

Her smile faltered. "Don't you have a hero name?"

"Renegade, but it's more of a villain name."


"Richard's not part of the team," Batman explained. "I'll explain it more after the mission."

I sighed. "Can I go now?"

"Sure," Batman said.  I stuffed my hands in my pockets and went back to my cell to lay down. I was offered a room, but I didn't want it. I'd slept in a cell for so long that I didn't know what a bed felt like anymore. I tried one, but I couldn't get any sleep. I usually pulled the things off my bed in the cell and slept on the floor since it was what I had grown up with.

I was only locked in at night now. The League and the team both agreed that Deathstroke could still be looking for me and might be able to control me with something.

I stared at my ceiling. I'd been trying to work up the courage to ask Batman to join the team, but I knew that he wouldn't let me. I wasn't trustworthy. He thought if I was given a tiny dose of freedom, I would go back to Deathstroke out of fear. I mean, it made sense, but I would never do that.

I sighed and closed my eyes, hoping the team would be back by the time I woke up.

Wrong Parent (Dick Grayson)Where stories live. Discover now