Timelines of inventions 1900 - 2002

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[edit] 1900s

* 1900: Rigid dirigible airship: Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin

* 1900: Self-heating can

* 1900s: Microwave optics: Jagdish Chandra Bose

* 1901: Improved wireless transmitter: Reginald Fessenden

* 1901: Instant coffee by Sartori Kato

* 1901: Mercury vapor lamp: Peter C. Hewitt

* 1901: Disposable razor blade: King C. Gillette

* 1901: Vacuum cleaner: Hubert Booth

* 1902: Ostwald process: Wilhelm Ostwald

* 1902: Radio magnetic detector: Guglielmo Marconi

* 1902: Air Conditioner: Willis Carrier

* 1902: Neon lamp: Georges Claude

* 1902: Radio telephone: Poulsen Reginald Fessenden

* 1902: Rayon cellulose ester: Arthur D. Little

* 1903: Electrocardiograph (EKG): Willem Einthoven

* 1903: Powered Monoplane: Richard Pearse

* 1903: Powered airplane: Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright

* 1903: Bottle machine: Michael Owens

* 1903: Windshield wiper: Mary Anderson

* 1904: Thermionic valve: John Ambrose Fleming

* 1904: Separable Attachment Plug: Harvey Hubbell

* 1904: Tractor: Benjamin Holt

* 1905: Radio tube diode: John Ambrose Fleming

* 1906: Sonar (first device): Lewis Nixon

* 1906: Triode amplifier: Lee DeForest

* 1907: Color photography: Auguste and Louis Lumiere

* 1907: Helicopter: Paul Cornu

* 1907: Radio amplifier: Lee DeForest

* 1907: Radio tube triode: Lee DeForest

* 1907: Vacuum cleaner, (electric): James Spangler

* 1907: Washing machine, (electric): Alva Fisher (Hurley Corporation)

* 1908: Cellophane: Jacques E. Brandenberger

* 1908: Geiger counter: Hans Geiger and Ernest Rutherford

* 1908: Gyrocompass: Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe

* 1908: Haber process: Fritz Haber

* 1908: Tea bag: Thomas Sullivan

* 1909: Monoplane: Henry W. Walden

* 1909: Bakelite: Leo Baekeland

* 1909: Gun silencer: Hiram Percy Maxim

[edit] 1910s

* 1910: Thermojet engine: Henri Coandă

* 1911: Gyrocompass: Elmer A. Sperry

* 1911: Automobile self starter (perfected): Charles F. Kettering

* 1911: Air conditioner: Willis Haviland Carrier

* 1911: Cellophane: Jacques Brandenburger

* 1911: Hydroplane: Glenn Curtiss

* 1912: Ecstasy: Merck

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2008 ⏰

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Timelines of inventions  1900 - 2002Where stories live. Discover now