[1%] Electric; sold

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❝So... you're a metahuman too?❞

❝What? No, I'm a fox; a kitsune.❞

❝A fox? That's sick! We can call you "The Vixen"!❞

❝Cisco, now is not the time for you to be thinking of Kira's alias. Although I was kinda thinking more along the lines of "The Spark".❞

*TITLE: Electric

FANDOM/S: The Flash & Teen Wolf

FACE CLAIM: Arden Cho (portraying Kira Yukimura)

FACE CLAIM: Arden Cho (portraying Kira Yukimura)

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*SUMMARY: After training with the Skinwalkers and surprisingly making it out of high school and college in one piece, Kira decides to take a break from the supernatural town of Beacon Hills and moves to Central City, accepting a job offer in STAR Labs where she finds herself in the exact same position she was in back in her old town; saving the day with a group of not so ordinary people and falling hopelessly in love with the selfless and adorkable hero.


▶ Lots and lots of cute and awkward moments with Barry and Kira the cinnamon rolls

▶ ULTIMATE BROTP = Cisco & Kira

▶ Tons of Teen Wolf/The Pack references

▶ Members of the Pack checking up and coming to visit Kira in Central City

▶ Ken and Noshiko surprise visit/s

▶ Lots of BAMF Kira moments (please)

MAGIC WORD: netflix

COMMENT/S: Someone please take this plot! I need this Barry/Kira fic like I need oxygen OML and I see a lot of Barry/Lydia fics out there so I decided why not Kira? They would be so adorable together tbh. And my Kira bb needs some love! I really don't know why people don't like her, she's so awesome.

SIPPIN' TEA [PLOTS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora