Chapter 2 (edited)

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[Next day, 2:00 PM. Harry is at Starbucks, leaning against the counter as he suddenly hears the door jingle.]

Harry's head immediately snapped up at the sound of the door being opened, causing his long brown curls to fall in front of his eyes. He brushed his curly locks out of his face as his eyes landed on the familiar short, brown-haired lad standing in front of him with - of course - his grey beanie on. Harry instantly started blushing.

Harry scanned the small shop and noticed Eleanor dealing with a cranky elderly couple in the corner. He would have to face his fears and deal with the boy himself this time.

"Hi, ha, what can I get for you?" Harry asked, biting his lower lip and stifling an awkward laugh. The boy looked at Harry from beneath his eyelashes - which nearly caused Harry to fall onto the floor - as the boy nervously fiddled with his fingers.

"Lou- uh, I like have... grande cappuccino." The boy says, giving Harry a small, insecure smile. Harry frowns at his use of words, but then decides to not to question it. He could be a foreigner just learning English for all he knew. Instead, Harry just gives him a dimpled grin and takes his order.

"What's your name?" Harry asked locking his eyes with the smaller boy.

"L-louis." He says breaking their eye-contact by looking at his hands as he continued to fiddle with his own fingers.

"Okay, Louis, your grande cappuccino will be ready in a few minutes. That'll be four dollars and five cents." Harry says smiling widely. Louis nervously smiles back and hands Harry his carefully counted money before making his way to the counter on his left.

Harry grins and prepares Louis' coffee, realizing he can't seem to get his eyes off of this blue-eyed lad. When he finishes making Louis' coffee, he walks over to the shorter boy and hands him his coffee. His fingertips slightly brushed Louis' sending tingles through his body, "Here you go." Harry says with a blush.

"Thank you, er..." Louis pauses reading Harry's name on Harry's t-shirt,"Ha... Har..." Harry smiled at how cute he pronounced his name and nodded at him, "Harry. Enjoy your coffee, Louis."

And with that Louis walked away, adjusting his beanie before he walked outside.

Harry let a sigh escape from his lips -- but it felt like he'd been holding in his breath the entire time he had been talking to Louis -- and got back to work.


[5:00 PM, Harry is walking back home from work.]

Harry zipped his jacket and closed the door behind him, walking outside. He always walked home, it was only a five minute walk anyways. Plus, he loved walking outside. It relaxed him, even when it was freezing outside. Harry was about to cross the street, when he suddenly heard a soft whimper coming from behind him. Harry instantly turned around, facing an empty, old street.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he heard another barely audible whimper coming from behind a container. Harry bit his lower lip, wondering what he was going to do.

Run? Look behind the container and act tough or pretend he didn't hear anything at all and walk away?

Harry sighed and decided he had to look behind the container, his curiosity would surely kill him one day. Hoping there wasn't a big scary gang member behind it or something, Harry pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned on the flashlight mode. He shined the light in every corner he saw with shaky hands. Slowly, he made his way over the old, black container he thought he had heard the whimpers come from and hesitantly peaked his head over the old plastic thing.

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