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Requested by: MichaelaTheWordsmith
OC: Adelaide Schreave Washington

The world was changing, so very quickly, and the scent of war on the horizon. Women huddled inside their homes, praying for their spouses who were risking their lives. No one said much, mostly looked at the sky for some sign of hope.

Occasionally there would be several men pulled in on stretchers and people would hope it wasn't a loved one.

With the chaos going on, Adelaide, who had just arrived in America, wandered without notice. She tended to stay in the back of the crowd, even though had a bright soul. Often she wished that all the fighting would stop, the constant sound of sobbing and shooting made her weak.

It wasn't often she ventured out into the daylight, instead the woman preferred to write letters to her dearest friends across the ocean.

Having acquainted herself with Elisabeth of Valois and Francis II, the three of them quite often exchanged letters. Francis tended to be protective of her, asking how they were treating her in America. Many would think that would be a sign of something romantic, but it was only a brotherly affection.

On the other hand, Elisabeth was quite the opposite of the protective male. She managed to encourage her friend to pursue her dreams and take risks. The two women relied on each other in almost everything, so when Adelaide told her she was leaving, it was a difficult goodbye.

She wrote of her adventures in America, to her friends, who wanted to hear all about the war and the new nation. Often times, her adoptive father, General Washington, was mentioned.

Adelaide tried to warm up to him in the best way she possibly could. He was welcoming, but still cold. The war was constantly on his mind, taking away some of his characteristics, and creating a different man.

That didn't stop her from being the kind hearted woman she was. Whenever he asked for her assistance, she was there. Seeing him go off to war was heartbreaking. She prayed every night to see him return.

Besides spending her time writing, Adelaide visited the soldiers when she could. Some of them hadn't left to fight yet, while others were terribly injured. Even in their pain, they all still greeted with respect and generous remarks.

On one special occasion, she happened to meet a man who sparked her interest. They met before the chaos began and then lost touch. It was surprising when they crossed paths on the battlefield of blood and guns.


Adelaide rushed to the soldier's side upon seeing him in the medical ward. Wincing, he grabbed her hand. "Adelaide. Nice to see you again, miss." He coughed roughly, only to yell at the increasing pain. She tried to soothe him, but he hit his head against the thin pillow.

"Who would have guessed this would be how we would meet again?" Still cringing at every movement, he managed to wink at her.

There was no denying the fact that he was a charming man. But the string of men walking into her life didn't stop there.

A few weeks later, Adelaide met another man by the name of Aaron Burr. He seemed similar to the soldier, but very mysterious. There was something about him that intrigued her, leaving her to think into the late hours of night.

She would lay staring at the ceiling, hair strewn on her pillow, pondering about the man. Aaron was not as much of a fighter as he tried to make himself seem. She knew that he was a thinker in every way.

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