M⃒a⃒r⃒k⃒e⃒d⃒ (P⃒a⃒r⃒t⃒ 5)

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The sun gleamed on my face and that woke me up. I muttered to myself saying "Oh! What an awful nightmare." I stretched out my arms and smiled. I looked up at the ceiling, but as I did that, I noticed on my left arm, right before my hand, I had a black symbol. The symbol had a circle with an x cut through it. (The picture above.)

Then I turned to my room door. In the same black ink, it said "Proxy." I looked at the symbol on the door below the words 'Proxy', that symbol matched the one on my arm. I continued to stare in silence. "So it was real..." I gulped.

Something banged against the window which broke me out of the symbol, and proxy. I looked out the window, then I realized some kid was throwing rocks. I yelled at the kid to stop. He was wearing an orange jacket, and he had a mask on. Probably to hide his identity, whatever.

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