Chapter Six

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Chapter Six finally! Sorry I couldn’t update sooner, I was on vacation and the wifi was so sucky I cried. But  here it is. Enjoy! Thanks for reading lovelies! As always, feedback is appreciated :)


I hopped out of the cab, thanking the driver. I pulled my bags behind me, looking to see if there was anywhere that showed me where to go. I bit my lip, when, after five minutes of looking, I could find nothing. 

"Ah, would you, by any chance, be Ms. Nicole?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned to see a middle aged man. I nodded my head shyly. "Well then right this way. You’re the last to arrive."

Last to arrive? There were other people coming? I didn’t think that any of the other boys had girlfriends. But I wasn’t going to ask. He walked me into the hotel and I looked around in wonder, this place was huge. 

"James here will take your bags," the man said. The man, James, walked over taking my bags. He smiled at me and nodded his head. I smiled in return. "My name is Leon. If you need anything, just come talk to me. I’m the opening acts manger technically. There are two other adults that will be over seeing you kids," he smiled. "Mrs. Hemmings and Mrs. Jackson. They’ll be with you most of the time so if it’s an emergency, just go to them."

I nodded. Mrs. Hemmings and Mrs. Jackson. I would have to remember that. Leon kept talking, but I wasn’t paying attention. All I wanted was to see Calum. I tried to look around discreetly and see if I could see him or any of the boys, but nothing. 

"Nicole, are you coming?" Leon asked, looking at me.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts, and nodded, following him into the restaurant that was adjacent to the hotel. I stood their awkwardly, not sure what to do. No one was in here apart from me and Leon. I stayed where I was, playing with my chestnut colored hair and biting my lip nervously. I heard laughter and voices and looked up to see a blonde and a black haired girl with her ends dyed purple staring at me. I stared back, smiling weakly. Meeting new people was not my strong point. The two just stood there, looking at me in confusion. I started to fidget uncomfortably until another blonde girl appeared. She had her arms crossed over her chest and she looked around her nervously as well. When she saw me, she gave me a weak smile which I returned. The two other girls had moved on by then, taking a seat at the tables. 

"Hi. I’m Emma," the blonde offered, walking over to me.

"Nicole," I smiled. Emma smiled back at me apologetically.

"I am so crappy at starting conversations and meeting new people," she apologized. 

"I think we’ll be good friends then," I laughed, feeling more comfortable already. 

"I’m Natalie," the black haired girl smiled at me, holding out her hand. When had she gotten up?

"Nicole," I said, shaking her hand.

"I’m Keelie," the other blonde smiled, bubbly. 

"Hi," I smiled at all of them.

"Do you want to come sit down? I don’t know where all the  boys have gotten too," Emma asked me. I nodded and started to follow her.

"Nicole?" A voice called from behind me.

I spun around to see him; Calum. I smiled as I walked, okay, ran, towards him. He caught me, spinning me around. He hugged me to him tightly. He didn’t let me go even when he sat me back onto my own two feet. He pulled away slightly to look me in the eyes.

"Finally," he whispered so that only I could hear.

"Tell me about it," I laughed. He leaned down so that our lips were almost touching.

"Can I?" He asked hesitantly. 

"Yes," I whispered breathlessly. 

He attached his lips to mine, kissing me. I kissed back. Finally, after months of us having to talk over twitter and Skype, I was finally able to kiss him; something I had only dreamed of doing. This was the only kiss I had ever had that meant as much as this did. Wolf whistles and cheers where herd from behind us and I pulled away, burying my face into Calum’s chest in embarrassment. Calum laughed, stroking my hair. 

"So I take it that this is Nicole then?" Michael asked. I smiled shyly, nodding my head.

"Nice to finally meet you," Luke gave me a half smiled shaking my hand.

"Yeah, Calum talked so much about you, but we weren’t sure of you were real or not," Ashton laughed. Calum’s cheeks started to redden and I grabbed his hand. He squeezed it in thanks, smiling at me. 

"Let’s go sit down," he said pulling me towards the table. I pulled him towards Emma who smiled at me when I sat down next to her. The other boys filed after us. Luke moved to sit next to Emma, but another blonde haired boy beat him too it. Luke didn’t look to happy about his seat being taken.

"Hey, sit across from me," Emma told him softly. He smiled at her and nodded. 

"I’m Hayden," the blonde boy seating by her introduced himself.

"Nicole," I replied. 

"Nice to meet you," he said, going back to staring at his menu. 

"He’s in the other opener, Another Try," Emma told me. 

"Ah," I said, glad that someone had told me before I made a fool of myself.

"Yeah, I’m glad I knew before I came too or I would have made a fool of myself."

"Who told you?"

"My mom. She’s the vocal coach," Emma informed me, filling me in even more. 

"Oh. Would she be Mrs. Jackson then?"

"Yes she would!" Emma laughed. 

"Emma?" Luke questioned. She turned her attention to him. I watched their interaction. They were so cute. Each of their eyes shinned bright while they talked and looked at each other. Luke turned to talk to Michael. who had asked him a question and I used this time to ask the question that was burning in my mind.

"So are you and Luke, ya know, a thing?" I whispered to Emma.

She blushed, her eyes wide. “No,” she whispered back. 

"Oh sorry," I said, slightly embarrassed that I had been so bold. 

"But I do like him," she smiled shyly, trying to make me feel better. 

I smiled at her, before looking at my menu. I felt Calum’s hand return to mine. He interlocked our fingers together and I bite me lip, again. This was going to be the best summer of my life. 

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