2. At Ollivander's

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"Live your life until love is found."


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A week before September 1st, Draco and his mother went to Diagon Alley to buy all of the books and the things Draco will need for the school year. He also bought a new broom, a Firebolt, thinking he may as well try out for Slytherin's Quidditch Team since it's going to be his last year at school. Draco had been practicing at their backyard for the rest of the summer, to keep off his mind from the things he doesn't want to remember.

Shops had reopened and the streets became livelier and fuller since the Dark Lord was gone. Draco went to Ollivander's, the only shop that sells wand in London because he had lost his. His Mother was outside, talking with a witch he ever so often see visit their manor. It does not matter anymore though, because Draco thinks his wand was in the hands of the greatest wizard that killed Voldemort himself.

Speaking of the devil, as Draco entered the shop, he was there with his two other friends. His jet black messy hair recognizable amidst the noisy crowd.

The Golden Trio. Harry Potter. Ron Weasley. And Hermione Granger. They're laughing. And the way she stood there, eyes sparkling and looking admirably at Weasley, he couldn't bear it. Draco had to look away. However, as he walked towards the counter he walked past them.

"Potter." Draco sneered.

"Malfoy." Harry shot back.

Draco saw Weasley holding out  a new wand.

"I didn't think you could afford to buy a new wand Weasly. Did your father borrow money from the ministry?" Draco laughed. Although, he had regretted it after he had said it, he could not take it back. A Malfoy's pride run through his blood.

"Shut up Malfoy." Granger said through gritted teeth.

"Atleast I have a dad, unlike you." Weasley snapped and with that the three of them moved along towards the exit.

Draco saw her looking back at him, made a face, and rolled her eyes. Then she tightened her hold at Weasley's hand, holding him closer, afraid that they might fall apart. And there she was, walking away from him. With her hand cluthed against the boy she dearly loves. And the girl he liked, the happiness he had long craved for more than six years vanished in sight.

"How may I help you Mr. Malfoy?" The wizard appeared from the corner.

"I'd like a new wand please."

Mr. Ollivander nodded and walked past him. He went behind the room and within a fair few moments he appeared carrying the most unusual wand Draco had ever seen. It was transparent, white, and it looked like it was made out of marble and silver dusts.

"Here Mr. Malfoy. But I am afraid I cannot determine what were the materials that made up this wand. Considering my age, I had forgotten what I had used. I'm really too old for this job, you see. I guess I'll retire this year and find a younger man who had studied wandlore to manage my business." He smiled and handed him the wand. As Draco took it a light glowed around him and an allegiance flowed through his body. It had given him goosebumps but made him feel safe at the same time. Draco didn't care though what it's made of so he muttered thanks and paid him the price.

Draco went outside and saw his Mother laughed. He smiled, because atleast within a short amount of time she had forgotten everything that caused her pain. They went home after that.

"Draco," his mother said as they ate dinner together, "this girl that you told me about will she be going back too?"

He looked up and raised an eyebrow to his mother. "I don't know." He had told her about this girl that he had feelings for. She wasn't quite convinced on it but Narcissa only wanted to see him happy. So she gave her son advices on how to win a girl's heart. He was grateful for them, but he didn't have the courage to pursue his feelings for this girl. It was also pointless to try now because she already has a boyfriend.

"Well if you does see her," she took a sip from her glass of wine, "let her know you had changed. Ask her for forgiveness for all the things you had said and done to her. Make her understand. Are we clear?"

With or without his mother's consent, Draco knew he need to ask for forgiveness. Especially from her. And his mother's words made him feel even more inspired to achieve this future goal of his.

"Crystal." he replied. He knows it's going to be hard, but Draco believes everyone deserves second chances. And he will try hard to gain himself redemption. But if things will fail and rather take turns in the most unfortunate and unexpected way, then atleast he knows he tried. The guilt won't be so huge, and his regrets atleast won't be buried with him when they dig his own grave. Trying won't be so useless.

Draco felt strange and nervous after dinner. Although he did not know what's causing him anxiety, he drifted down to sleep. He loves sleeping. Because it was the only place where he can dream. The farthest place away from his sad reality. A paradise where he forgets everything, and a place where he can have her. A multicolor world of make-believe, a million miles away from his black and white existence.

She was all his, and his only.

Draco woke up with a terrible headache as he glanced through the clock. It was half past three in the morning. He went down to the kitchen to quench his thirst. He walked down the hall, and for the many times that he had walked pass this hall, it still seemed so big. Unnatural for a family of three, or two to own this massive house. Yet, although it seemed creepy, this was the most beautiful house that he'd ever been to.

As he made his way through, Draco saw a shadow of a man standing between the two huge front doors. With only the moonlight shining across the windows, he could not decipher who it was. "Who's there?" Draco yelled and held up his wand and spelled 'Lumos'. The tiny light flickered across the darkness, and what he saw was a pair of ice-cold grey eyes staring right at his.


He could not be here! He's far away, too far away to be here. 


 And Draco wondered if it was all a dream.

He turned on the chandelier's light and within a blink of an eye, the man was already gone.



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