Chapter 1: Comeback

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No One's POV

"Woo~!" Honoka chirped at the airport.

"Honoka! Don't be so loud." Umi said.

"What are we doing here again?" Maki asked.

"Sonic said he's arriving today. Well, maybe... Just maybe... She's coming too." Eli said.

"I don't wanna discourage you guys but of course she won't come." Nico said.

"She will! Just believe!" Kotori yelled.

"Let's just hope for the best." Nozomi said.

"Nya~! I sure wish Serina-chan comes here." Rin said.

"M-Me too but... At what she said to us two years ago..." Hanayo said.

"Since when were we friends anyway? You all just know my name."

"Whatever she said that day wasn't true." Honoka said.

"Goodbye... For now."

"Maybe she will come back." Umi said.

"Yo girls!" Sonic yelled and ran to the girls with Simon and hooded person following behind.

"SONIC-SENPAI!!" The girls yelled and hugged Sonic.

"Wow, they sure missed you, son." Simon said.

"Did she came with you guys?" Nozomi whispered.

"*chuckles* She sure did. Although... She doesn't remember you guys..." Sonic sadly said. The hooded person looked at the girls with her emotionless eyes.

'All familiar...' The person thought.

"That's okay... At least she came back." Eli said and walked to the hooded person, Serina.

"Hey." Eli called. Serina looked at Eli with curiousity. Serina was surprised when Eli suddenly hugged her.

"Welcome back." Eli said.

'This warmth...' Serina thought.

"Rinacchi~!" Nozomi yelled and hugged Serina with the other girls too.

'What the...?' Serina thought.

"Now, now, let's go to the car." Simon said. The girls pulled away and looked at Serina.

"Tall as ever i see." Maki said. Serina wanna say, "Your hair is red as ever.", but she couldn't say it. The words couldn't come out of her mouth.

'I feel so bad. They're familiar but... I can't remember them. Sonic said they're my best friends. He said they were waiting for me all this time. They wanted me to come back. I wanna remember them so bad.' Serina thought and turned to the car.

"Let's go now sissy~!" Sonic yelled and dragged Serina to the front seat, slamming the door shut and Serina locking it from the inside.

"Serina-chan, what do you want for lunch?" Simon asked.

"Oh you know that she wants the usual... Ramen!" Sonic yelled and sat beside Serina. Simon's gonna drive~!

"No, she won't." Simon said.

"Yes she does! Right sissy?" Sonic asked. Serina just gave a small nod before looking at the girls behind her from the corner of her eyes.

"Dad, what about them?" Serina asked. The girls were shocked by hearing Serina's all matured voice.

"Ah don't worry. I'll just buy them snacks." Simon said.

"Hey! That's not fair! I wants snacks too!" Sonic yelled.

"Son you've had many snacks at the airplane earlier." Simon said.

"But still! It didn't made me full!" Sonic yelled.

"Serina-chan, do you want to sit between Maki-chan and Eli-chan?" Simon asked.

"Why?" Serina asked.

"Just because." Simon said.

"Fine, whatever." Serina said and sat between Maki and Eli.

"Yah! I want Serina to be beside me!" Sonic yelled.

"No." Simon said and started driving.

"Hey blondie." Serina called. Eli looked curiously at Serina and pointed at herself.

"Me?" Eli asked.

"Yes, you." Serina said.

"What?" Eli asked.

"I want to switch seats. Can we?" Serina asked.

"S-Sure..." Eli stuttered and switched seats with Serina.

"What made you stutter?" Maki asked.

"Well, she was looking in my eyes. It made me nervous." Eli said. Of course, Serina wanted to switch seats with Eli because she likes being beside the window.

"Serina-chan!" Honoka yelled. Serina just closed her eyes and sighed.

"Please stop calling me that." Serina said and crossed her legs before looking out the window.

"You know my name right?" Honoka asked. Serina just looked at her with confusion and poked her nose.

"No. Boop." Serina said and poked Honoka's nose again. Awww, everyone blushed because of Serina's rarely exposed cuteness.

"Awww, you are so cute, my little sissy!" Sonic chirped.

"Ugh, shut up, you boob!" Serina yelled. Kotori giggled and flicked Sonic's forehead.

"Boob." Kotori said. Sonic rubbed his forehead and looked away, blushing.

'Hey now, this is awkward.' Umi thought.

'She changed, yes. But this isn't what i expected.' Hanayo thought.

"Serina-chan, how old are you?" Rin asked.

"18." Serina said.

"An 18 year old who's still cute. Great." Nozomi said, looking at Serina with her 'rape' face.

"And a 19 year old who's still a pervert, i see." Serina said and looked out the window again.

"*giggles* Well aren't you a smart one?" Nozomi said. Serina just closed her eyes and lenaed back.

"Awwww, now my cute little sissy's gonna sleep." Sonic said and was kicked in the face by Serina.


A/N: I am back, awake, and barely alive. Sorry for the inconvience guys. This took long because of that book i was writing named 'First Love', right? If possible, please read that. Tragedy happens in that story ahaha.

Broken Inside (Love Live! Fan Fic) Book 2 {Friends? Since When? Sequel]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora