Second one: Andy Beirsack

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"When people hurt you over and over again, Think of them as sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end you end up polished and they end up useless"- Andy Beirsack

This quote was well said. I'm not trying to be mean here so if you don't like this then keep scrolling. But they're are a few ways to look at this.
1. When you love someone, and they hurt you over and over. If they cheat on you or break you down. Then you or they break up with you. Don't be all ass hurt, cry, and mourn over they're loss. I mean I get you love them, but don't cut over them. Don't shed you're tears over them. Don't show them you care. After all they hurt you. And when you fall in a million pieces, pick yourself up and rebuild yourself the way you want to be. Celebrate your lost over them because you know that you're free. And in the end you're always the better person.

2. When you have a friend, and they stab you in the back, you don't turn around and get revenge you get even. Don't show them you care.

3. Last and final reason: when you're at school and you're getting bullied you get told mean things like "fag" "loser" "ugly" "worthless" "fat" "you'll never amount to anything" don't listen to what they say. I get that they're words hurt. Yes trust me they do. But don't show them you care. Thatll make them feel better. Don't even listen to what they say. Just walk down the hall or street and not listen. And when you're walking down the street and you're the one working in a expensive job and they're working at Mc. Donald's. You laugh at them and say "who's the better person now" and walk away.

I hoped this helped. I put a lot of effort into the things I say. Trust me that's a lot of thought.

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