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I was standing in my kitchen to prepare some food when I heard small steps coming down the stairs. His steps disappeared for a few seconds. He probably went to the living room. Maybe he was looking for me.

I stopped cutting the tomatoes and dried my hands with a kitchen towel. While I made my way to the living room I thought about how I could start a conversation with him. Or should I just wait until he started to talk? Let's see.

Once I was in my living room I started to look around for him. But he was nowhere to be seen.


His voice surprised me so much that I started to scream. While turning around I tried to make a self defending position by moving my hands in front of my face. Like in those karate movies. Only that I looked like a complete idiot.

His big grin and giggle showed me that he thought the same about my awkward position.

"Oh.. Hey." I said while I brought my hands in a normal position again.

"Have you ehm.. slept well?" At first he didn't say anything. Just starred into my eyes. Like he was searching for something. When I noticed that he wasn't planning on breaking our eye contact, I looked away.

"What?" He asked after a few seconds.

"Have you slept well?" I repeated my question.

"Oh.. yeah yeah." He answered while nodding his head.

Then there was a awkward silence. I squinted up at him just to see him still starring at me. Slowly, regret started to get its way to my stomach. My heart started to beat faster.

Was it really a good idea to let him in my house? He could be a murderer or some shit. Fuck. What if all of this was a plan of his? Maybe that what happened earlier was just a sick trick to get in my house. If so, then he was a very good actor.

"Are you okay? Hello?" I didn't know I was so deep in my thoughts until he grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

I glanced at him while blinking a few times. Still a little bit stoned.

"I'll prepare some food." I mumbled while I made my way to the kitchen. Not even waiting for his response.

Why did I always get myself into strange situations. I mean there could be a serial killer in my living room! Apart from that, what do I do with Harry now? As you have noticed, I can not distance myself from him. And why haven't I received a single call from my family? Usually, my mom called me every week but since some months I have not heard anything from her. Or my dad. Or my brother.

"Fuck!" I hissed when I felt a sharp pain on my left thump. Not even seconds later and blood started to come out of the deep wound.

Shit. Fucking shitty shit.

With quick steps I walked to the sink. I opened the faucet and ran cold water over the wound. This shit burned like hell.

"What's wrong?" The nameless boy asks shocked.

"Can you please go to the bathroom and bring me sticking plaster. It's in a cabinet above the sink."

"Sure!" He ran out just to come back a few seconds later.

"Where is the bathroom?"

"Oh yeah right. In the hall, the last door on the left side."

It took him 2 minutes to come back with the things. He quickly stood beside me and helped me to put the plaster on.

"Thank you." I smiled at him and he just mumbled a 'No problem'.

"Can I help you with anything?"

"Yes. Could you please fry the stakes for me?"

"Sure. No problem."


Dylan and I were sitting in my living room and eating some steaks and salad. Yes his name was Dylan. While he helped me cook the meal I had the chance to ask for his name. Not only his name. Dylan also told me that he was an orphan and was in fact 18 years old. But I didn't came to the question what happened some hours ago.

The T.V was on. Dylan was watching SpongeBob and I took the chance to look at him. I recognize that his brown eyes were still bloodshot and a little bit swelled. Probably from crying so much. He had brown hair which looked pretty messy but made him look cute. A snup nose which made him look even cuter.

"I can feel your stare on me." Dylan declared without even looking at me.

"No." I said. Still starring at him. He turned around and laughed when he saw my eyes still on him. My cheeks turnes pink but fortunately the only lights in this room was the T.V.

I bit my lip and quickly turned my face so I was facing my television. Some minutes later I took a quick squint just to see him starring at me.

"I can feel your stare on me." I repeated his words. My amused grin vanished when I saw his blank stare. At first I was concerned but when a single tear rolled down his right cheek, I got much more worried. With a quick move, I sat next to him.

"Hey.. What's wrong?" Instead of calming down, more tears came out of his eyes, rolling down his slightly red cheeks and then fell on his shirt.

I placed both of my hands on each cheek and gently brushed of the tears with my thumps. Dylan bit his lip, trying hard not to cry any harder. His eyes were focused on mine. After some second he opened his mouth but closed it right after. Like he wanted to say something.

"What's wrong?" I asked again. Dylan just shook his head.

"No please. Talk to me." But he shook his head again. My hands left his face just to take his hands in mine. Gently, I clenched my hands around his. Not too hard.

"Dylan... please. Talk to me. Just say what you want say. Nobody will hurt or judge you."

"Can you hug me?" He whispered. I was rather taken back from his question.


Without saying anything, I put my arms around his torso. Dylan laid his head on my shoulder. I felt his breath on my exposed neck which tickled a little bit. But I didn't say anything. Nor did he.

"You remind me of her." He suddenly said. Breaking the comfortable silence.

"Who?" I wanted to know. Not knowing who he was talking about.

"Nobody." What?

"Oh. Okay.."

After 5 more minutes we decided to let go of each other. My mind was still wondering who he was talking about? Maybe a friend of his?

"Thank you."

"Eh yeah. No problem." I gave him a polite smile but in the back of my mind I was still wondering who this boy was and what story he had to tell.

Tbh... I don't know how to feel about this story. I have so much things planned for this story but I just can't write them down in the way I want it. :/
Sorry for not updating! I had so much school stuff to do (still have) and many private problems.. buuut THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH FOR OVER 10K READS AND OVER 190 VOTES AND OVER 30 COMMENTS. THAT'S SO CRAZY!! Everytime I saw a new vote or comment I was so happy! And I hope all those readers are still there.. idek if you are reading this lol
But yeah thank you so much again and sorry again for not updating.
Bye! :)

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