ADD ONS: ♪♪ Voiceless ~ still by HaveYouSeenThisGirl

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Hi Hi!

It's me,

I've already added another playlist from the web-book 'Voiceless' by none other then *holds breath* Ate Denny, my forever idol.

Please visit it if you have time, just click my little picture there and you'll see it right away. Or, type on the box up there 'Voiceless Playlist'. Your choice!

See you in another chapter pips =)


🎉 Tapos mo nang basahin ang ♪♪ Diary ng Panget/Eya (Season 1&2) Playlist 🎉
♪♪ Diary ng Panget/Eya (Season 1&2) PlaylistTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon