[Chapter 9- I'm Lost]

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[Chapter 9- I'm Lost]


He stares blankly at the photo of his friends, huddled together to take pictures in a photo booth. A faint smile paints his lips and his eyes crinkle as he looks at each one of his friends smiling or funny faces. He loves looking at this photo because it reminds him of all the times he had been with them... All of the times he had fun with them...

When they were all together at one point...

"One by one... we all become lost", the boy mutters as his lips no longer smile and he gently places the photo on his night stand next to his bed. His tired and blank eyes glance from the photo to the window; the sun still shining proudly through the clouds- showing the opposite of his current mood. He blinks slowly and looks at the photo once again with eyes turning glassy.

"Why are they all leaving? Why can't we all just... stay together", he says and his once blank eyes begin to be filled with emotion. Tears swim on the brim and he blinks to try to stop them from falling.

"I should have helped... I should have done something... Namjoon.. why did you leave us too", he cries and he continues to look at the photo with longing.

"I told you about those cigarettes", he yells at the photo and he picks it up, glaring at it as his anger growls in his gut. His heart beat quickens as he picks up another photo of the group and he grits his teeth as he tosses it to the floor.

"We're all losing ourselves... why can't we find our way out", he says sadly as he rubs his eyes. His cold hands that touch the warmth of his face send chills running down his spine in waves. "I can't sleep... I can't eat... it's only a matter of time before I lose myself, too..."

His eyes glance to the photos on the floor and then he looks back to his hands. He slowly curls them into a fist and then releases it- doing this process over and over again to try to feel his blood circulate into his fingertips.

Giving up, he falls the rest of the way onto his bed; lying down and facing the ceiling as he continues to breath heavily.

It's getting harder and harder for him to breathe...

He looks out of the closed window as he continues to suffocate slowly, his eyes becoming heavy as the toxins from the burning flower sitting towards the center of the floor fills the room- causing his drowsiness.

"I can sleep forever, Jin", he tells himself with a small smile.

He continues to lie on his bed as his eyes become drowsy and he reaches out for the photos on the floor. "I... Have finally lost my way... I'm sorry", he mutters to the photo of his friends. Voices in his head continue to pester him to escape or to leave. They tell him he must keep going and survive- just like what Namjoon used to tell him...

But he shuts his eyes instead-
telling them to go away silently. He curls into a fetal position and hugs his legs close as the voices begin to fade away, just like his conscious.

"No more voices... No more pain..." He mutters as he tries to stay awake a little longer- to take on last glance at the group of his friends in the photo.

"I'm lost... and I can't find my way..."

A/N: I know this was short. It's supposed to be.

I have my reasons!!

I know this is confusing, but you'll see soon enough...

Anyway, take care and have a great day!❤️❤️❤️

~Your Author~

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