you are my dream

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"JUSTINNN!!!!!!!!! COME HERE!!!!! " i yelled

" WHAT"  he asked from the other room



i showed him the picture of him and his girlfriend baliey kissing. its on every magazine and scooter said no girlfriends while on tour and he would be in trouble.

" shit" he said " were u see that "

" everywere" i smiled

" ok  allie if mom asked u about it say i dont no what ur talking bout"

ha. why would i " i laughted

" ill tell greyson what almost happened with cody" he evily smiled.

my eyes got wide "fine"

"thanks sis " he smiled and walked out.

by now your probly wondering who i am or what am i. well im allie bieber. justin biebers little long lost sister ( from my other story my super star ). i am also a famous star and datin my wonderful boyfriend greyson chance. after justin broke up with selena he meet one of my friend maddies friend. baliey. they fell in love but mom told us not relationships while on tour but greyson and i are still daring because he hes going on tour wth us .

what happen with cody was nothin.. i just kissed him thats all i me. i was sad greyson just left and i need a friend and he was there.

i sat in my room bored so i turned on the tv and me and greyson were on it like always. i decided to watch this one..

" we caught allie bieber and greyson chance hand and hand in line for icecream at dariy queen. we noticed the ring on allies finger. her wedding finger. sorces tell us this is a promises ring and the love birds are getting married and they willl wait for each other. wow thats a lot for a 13 and 14 year old could they han...." i turned of the tv why are they telling me im to young i mean i love greyson.. they will never understanded grrr

suddently my phone ran and i jumped. it was a text from greyson

text conversation

g: hey babe <3

a: hey <3

g: are you doing anything.. i miss you


g: hah yeah so r u i want to see you

A: welli have to go with justin to the airport to get annie, robbie,ryan,chaz,and madison and baliey but thats at 9 so im good

g: ok :) good meet you halff way to the park k?

a: ok i love you

g: love you to i miss you soo much bye xoxo

end of conversation

i got out of bed and put on my UGGS. oh what will justin say mwahaha

i grabbed my phone and jacket and went to justin room

i walked in " justin im going to the park. greysons home oh and  out on a shirt really i mean you have no one to impressed here until baliey get here. "

" well i woulnt talk ur wear UGGS and plus if i wasnt ur bother and we never found out bout us u would die right now to look at this" he smiled

" ha goodbye" i walked out and he shouted back

" dont forget 8:30"

"i wont "

i walked out into the cold air oh did i mention its August almost greysons birthday  hes almost 15 :)!!

i was half way to the pak when i say greyson i ran to himand jumped into his armed i just hugged him

" well hello to you too: he kissed my cheek.

" ive missed you spoo much"i wisheprd 

 when every he kissed me i dont no why but i always blushed. we got off the ground and we walked hand and hand to the park.

when i could see the swings i looke over at him

" hey ill race you to the swings" i said

" your on loser kisses winner" he added

"ok ready set.. GREYSON I DIDNT SAY GO"  he ran off leavin me to caught up with him.. he won.

" i .. bet.. you" panted greyson

" so" i smiled

he got closer to me our faces almost touching.

" you have to kiss me " he smiled sending shivers down my back

i smiled and closed the gapp between us. i really missed him

i pulled away and i looked at the time 8:00 oh i need to go

" greyson i need to go get them from the airport want to come.

"duh" he said holding my wasit

i smilked and we walked back to my house


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