Tutor and Strike

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"We'll be starting serious box weapon training today. As Reborn's first student, I'll be in charge of tutoring you guys. I'm looking forward"

Ryuuichi raised an eyebrow, wondering if he would be tutored too. Probably yes, seeing that he had been called here. Though, he wondered who would tutor him. It wasn't as if he doesn't know anything. He glanced towards the others, whom were all fired up, before turning back towards Dino to find a cosplaying-Reborn suspended by wires.


He quickly covered his mouth and snickered hard, trying not to make a sound. "By the way.. This time, I'll be serving as Dino's superior, the tutor fairy." Reborn dressed as a fairy, waved his 'wand' around, his hat, Leon, blinked. "If Dino slips up, I'll lay down the law so don't worry" He swayed once before kicking Dino in the face for a few times.

"Well, I'll flutter back down if anything comes up. Ciao ciao~" And, he went back up. Ryuuichi sweated when the Arcobaleno mysteriously disappeared.

"So let's get started. But first, Chrome.." Dino turned towards the said girl with serious face. "I need to confirm your intentions. You're a Vongola Guardian but at the same time you're one of Mukuro's followers. Can we consider you an ally in the battle against the Milliefiore?"

Everyone was silent as they waited for her answers, tensed, even. Although they knew she's trustworthy, but in terms of loyalty, they didn't really know. Chrome may be with them, but she could simply turn her back against them with just Mukuro's words. Or, so they had thought. Ryuuichi, on the other hand, believed her fully. He knew that she's their ally, and will always be. Not to mention she, even though shy and timid, is brave enough to defy Mukuro. Well, not now anyway.

Chrome gripped her trident tighter and nodded. "Yes. I want to do better and become a stronger person. Because I think that will lead me back to the past" Chrome had always believed that she will always be a burden to everyone around her, but after meeting Mukuro, whom had saved her, and Tsuna and the others, it had changed. They had slowly taught her that she would never be a burden to any of them, one way or another. Though, it wasn't said verbally, she had felt it through their sincerity to be closer to her. [Especially the girls] Well, a certain bomber still couldn't fully accept her.

Dino seemed to accepted her answer and smiled. "Ok. We're counting on you. And we'll have Lambo do some serious training. The power of every guardian is needed to defeat Byakuran"

Of course, Gokudera didn't liked that decision, but had begrudgingly accepted. Tsuna had hesitated. He hadn't want Lambo to fight because he's still very young, but the child is still one of his guardians, so he had not much choices.

"I heard a few things about your Vongola Boxes from the Tsuna of this era. Going from that, I intend for you to engage in individual training regimes. I should mention that Hibari Kyouya has already begun his training with me."

"Eh? Hibari-san? Wait, you found Hibari-san?" Ryuuichi deadpanned at the brunette, but said nothing. 'Since when he was missing..?'

"Yeah, though, he's still a stubborn one. Then, Sawada Tsunayoshi. I'll start by telling you your training program" Tsuna stood straighter at that. "You have to stay alone until you figure out how to properly open your Vongola Box." He didn't take that quite well. He hadn't expected that he would be training alone, and what would he even figure out by himself?!

"You'll be alone, but you'll still have your box weapon. When there's trouble with a box weapon, the user has to stay with it" By trouble, Dino probably meant by the time when a flaming-monster came out of his box.

"Just stay with it? Uh, is that it?"

"That was your hint"

"Next is Gokudera Hayato. You will look after the box weapon beginner, Sasagawa Ryohei and Lambo as well." Gokudera shouted in question. He didn't liked the fact that he had to babysit those two. Perhaps the baseball star would be tolerable, but those two? No way in seventh hell.

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