Chapter 9

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Lucas POV

  Alyssa and I are still in 7/11 while we are getting our snacks and what not.I want Alyssa to know that I really love her and didn't mean to do all those mean and embarrassing things to her. I was being an ass instead of being her best friend...I didn't mean to hurt her and Draya.   


"I don't know." Lucas and I said at the same time. We ended up looking at each other. He smiled at me I did the same.

"So Alyssa are going to the dance?" I heard Lucas say

"I don't know. I'm not into all that. How about you?"

He just looked at me and said, "I want to go with this special person in my life, but I wasn't acting right. So she hates me for everything I have done." He looked sad and I felt bad because I knew he was talking about me. Its just what if I get hurt by him again?

"Well imma be in the car if yall need me. Bye baby girl." Will smiled at me and said, "Don't get angry ok because I know you." We both smiled as I hugged Will goodbye.

"Bye man."

"Lucas...I know that you are talking about me. I don't hate you, I just hate what you did. You made Draya and I two years of high school a living hell."

"Alyssa...I wasn't thinking...and it's just- (gco)

" I want you to hear me out one second.I know you weren't thinking. That's why we aren't friends because of your stupid "Popularity" and "Attention" you make me sick sometimes, and you expect me to forgive you. I loved you Lucas and still do ok...but you really hurt me and I just can't do it anymore. Do you know how it feels to get bullied everyday and have to go home and think "What did I do to deserve this? 

"Alyssa I hear you but I was stupid and the fame popularity and fame got the best of me. I'm sorry if  I didn't treat you right like a beautiful, smart and intelligent young lady should be. I'm sorry that I made you and Draya's two high school years a living hell. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm just really sorry. I love you with all my heart and will never hurt you again. I really really really love you and will never ever in history hurt you again."

Is this chapter good or nah? How did you feel when Lucas expressed his feelings to Alyssa? Tbh I cried writing this chapter. Comment and Vote

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