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Paige up top ^^

The fight itself was intense to watch, with each blow to the face Paige gave the other girl, I cringed or hid my face in my sister's shoulder. I wasn't enjoying any of this at all. Paige was vicious in the ring, she was like a lion stalking its prey before the kill. Her movements were quick and calculated.

Her face was bleeding slightly from when Alicia who she was facing, I think that's her name, gave her the right hook which Paige seemed unfazed by.

The match was soon over after two brutal rounds, Paige stood in all her glory still champion. She did some interviews and walked off towards the back. There was still someone that was going after her, I decided I was going to use this as a bathroom break.

The concession stands were open and my mouth watered at the smell. I wished I had money to buy anything, even a pretzel would cure my hunger. I didn't realize I was standing there googling at the stand in front of me until the man at the cash register asked me if I was ready to order.

"N-no, I'm going to go now." I stammered completely embarrassed.

"What do you want? I'll pay." Paige's voice startled me and I jumped out of my skin.

I turned around, glaring at her, "Don't do that!"

She smirked, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." By the tone in her voice, I knew she was teasing and didn't actually mean the apology.

"What do you want? Are you hungry?" She asked again, walking towards the cashier, leaning against the counter as she studied the menu.

She was effortlessly beautiful. Even the small gesture had me memorized.

I wanted to take her up on her offer more than anything, but my pride wouldn't let me, I know it was stupid, I was stupid. "I'm good, thanks."

"Oh come on, I'm offering to pay. I was giving you a choice but since you're being difficult I'll just order for you." She stated.

"Fine!" I grumbled, moving over towards her, "I'll have two slices of cheese pizza and a coke, please."

I always thought of my sister, and I knew she hadn't eaten anything either, so the least I could do was get her a pizza off of Paige's tab. I mean, she offered.

Paige ordered a chicken salad, and the worker told us the wait was five minutes. So we stood in silence her back was against the wall as she looked up at the ceiling. I could see bruises that were forming on her face from the fight. The blood was gone, thank god.

"So, did you like the fight?" She questioned, starting conversation.

"No, " I admitted, "I was forced to be here. If it was up to me, I would be home right now."

She frowned, and I almost felt bad for saying that. Wait, what was I doing? I don't even know her. Why do I care if she's upset?

"Oh." Was all she said, an awkward silence fell between us, and I was praying the pizza would hurry up to save me from this situation.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a ufc fighter?" I asked her, genuinely curious.

"Would that change anything if I did?" She diverted the question clearly annoyed.

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