Selena jumped off the kitchen island straightening out her shirt as much as she could and her hair while I fixed my hair so it would be a little less messy.

“He—Hey mom.” I said clearing my throat. “This is Selena.” I said pointing towards Selena.

Selena waved to my mom saying hello with her cheeks turning tomato red. I’m guessing she was so embarrassed by this situation—well so am I.

“Hi Selena, it’s nice to finally meet you.” My mom smiled politely.

“Nice to meet you to Ms. Mallette.” Selena replied politely. “Hey Justin I’m just gonna go.” Selena said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said rushing out the door.

I said a quick bye and once Selena was gone, it was just my mom and I, or can I say an awkward conversation and moment.

“So that’s Selena?” My mama said putting some grocies away. I walked over to her to help.

“Yep.” I said. “And that’s not the way I wanted you to meet her.” I chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

“It’s okay honey.” She said. “You both shouldn’t be embarrassed. But I do have a question though.” My mom said raising her eyebrow at the end of that sentence.


“Aren’t you dating Aimee? And isn’t Selena dating Colton?” My mom said.

“Well I’m not dating Aimee anymore. She broke up with me.” I said.

“Oh sweetie I’m sorry.” My mom said coming over to hug me. I returned the hug and smiled knowing my mom is always there for me.

“It’s okay.” I smiled.

“But what about Colton and Selena?”

“They’re still dating.” I said sighing. I just realized I made Selena cheat on Colton.


It’s now Thursday aka 3 days since mine and Selena’s hot make out session. Lately we’ve been awkward around each other and Selena’s hardly talks to me. She spends most of her time with Colton. I guess she feels bad that she basically “cheated” on Colton by kissing me. But it’s not her fault. I’m the one who kissed her first.

In other news Tori’s Halloween party is in two days and I have no one to go with. I was going to go with Selena, but I doubt that is still up for an invitation.

I walked into the cafeteria seeing everyone already at the table—even Selena. I sat down in my usual spot next to Selena saying hi to everyone.

“What’s going on between you two?” Demi asked raising a brow.

“Nothing.” Selena and I both said in unison. I knew I haven’t told anyone about our ‘make out session’ not even Ryan, but I’m surprised Selena hasn’t told Demi.

“Are you two sure? You seem awkward just to be sitting next to each other.” Barbara said, and then placed a fry in her mouth.

“We’re sure Barbara.” Selena said quickly. “Does anyone know where Colton is?” Selena asked.

“He said something about not feeling well.” Ryan said. “He went home early.”

“Oh.” Selena said a little quiet.

“Selena, are you sure you’re okay?” Demi asked knowing something was wrong with her bestfriend.

“I’m sure okay.” Selena snapped. She got up from her seat and walked off.

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