You are?

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"Hey Jimin your grandma just finished lunch, you can go see her." I nodded at the lady at the front desk, I start heading to my grandma's room. I greeted people on the way there who recognized me as a regular. As I casually walk towards my beloved grandma's room I spotted a pale boy with mint green hair staring out the window, he seemed to be a new here. The new people often stand out for me since I do come here often and have seen many faces come and go, I can tell the difference between patients and visitors.

After many turns I finally made it to my her room, I opened the door slowly. As I walked into the room I noticed she was crying while facing the window. I slowly make my way to her, "Hey grandma I brought you your favorite chocolates." I walk closer to her.

"Oh Jimin! Your grandpa just died! What am I gonna do?" She does this every time I visit her. It's because she has short term memory and she only remembers the day my grandpa died in their car crash. That day, I was the only one there to support her. Her only grandchild.

"Shh it's ok grandma I'm here, Chimchim is here." I gently rub her back while she let's out her tears. I put down the box of chocolates next to her. "Hey, it's your favorite, caramel chocolates." she turns to me with moist eyes and wet cheeks. "Shh it's ok grandma I'm right here with you." I hand the box of chocolates to her. "I'm going to head out and get a drink, do you want anything?" She stays quiet as usual. I walk out of the room heading to the mini cafe. I spot the mint green haired boy again. The boy is still looking out the window and he seems to be biting his lip pretty hard.

Should I say hi? He seems like he doesn't wanna be bothered though...

Deciding not to say hello, I head to the coffee station to make myself a simple black coffee. I finish making my coffee and head to an empty seat next to a window. The seat I take just so happens to be next to the mint green haired boy and he just so happens to notice me. I sit frozen in my chair as we make eye contact.

Uhh should I say some thing?

The boy turns more to me. His face seems so fluffy and... cute. Before I can comprehend what's happening, the mint haired boy moves from his spot and walks towards me.

"Hi I'm Min Yoongi, You are?"
Mm hello :))
First fanfic so let's hope this goes well
I also hope I don't become lazy with this because it seems like a really good fanfic i'd read
~ Bean

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