Começar do início

means of a series of cog-wheels. Although there is a gain in force,

there is of course a loss in velocity.

"Look!" said the yellow-skinned man, as he gave the crank a

turn. "Look, Ñor Juan, with my strength alone, I can raise and lower

that massive block of stone. This is so nicely arranged that I can

control the ascent or descent of the stone by inches. Thus one man

below can arrange the two stones in place, while I manipulate the

apparatus from here."

Ñor Juan could but admire the man as he smiled in such a peculiar

manner. The curious people standing about made comments and praised

the yellow-skinned man for his work.

"Who taught you the mechanism?" asked Ñor Juan.

"My father, my father who is now dead," he replied, with that same

peculiar smile.

"And who taught your father?"

"Don Saturnino, the grandfather of Don Crisostomo."

"I did not know that Don Saturnino----"

"Oh, he knew a good many things. Not only did he know how to whip well

and how to expose his workmen to the rays of the sun, but he knew also

how to awaken the sleeping and how to make those awake sleep. In time,

you will see what my father has taught me, you will see!"

And the yellow fellow smiled in a strange manner.

At two eating stands, there was now being prepared a sumptuous and

abundant breakfast. However, on the table designated for the little

ones of the school, there was no wine, but instead a larger amount

of fruit. In a covered passage which joined the two stands, there

were seats for the musicians and a table covered with sweetmeats,

candies and flasks of water, ornamented with leaves and flowers,

for the thirsty public.

The crowd, resplendent in gay-colored clothes, was already fleeing from

the hot rays of the sun and gathering under the shade of the trees

or of the covering. The small boys climbed the trees near the place,

in order to get a better view of the ceremony, and looked with envy

upon the school children, who, clean and well dressed, were occupying

a place designated for them. The fathers of the school children were

enthusiastic. They, poor countrymen that they were, would have the

pleasure of seeing their children eat on a white table cloth, just

like the curate and the Alcalde. Merely to think of it was enough to

drive away their hunger.

Soon strains of music were heard in the distance. A promiscuous

crowd of persons of all ages and dress was preceding the band. The

yellow-looking man was uneasy and was examining the whole apparatus. A

NOLI MI TANGEREOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora