Authors Note/Sequel

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      Sadly, this book has come to an end. But there is a sequel that is going to be updated day by day like this one. I will also continue to update previous chapters, but I won't be posting any new ones after this. The second book will be the continuation of this book, and will focus on elements of season 2. Thank you for 930+ reads and thank you for voting. Again, I didn't think this wasn't going to be read so thank you. I hope you enjoyed the book and I will be continuing in the sequel. Thank you and please check out the other book if you enjoyed this one. Thank you!
(The New Book Is called Flashette(Book Two)
This book will focus on The Flash and all those events, but also more on the lives of Chloe and Barry, and their lives together.
If you liked this one, I recommend you check out the sequel.

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