~Part 10 - Bringing A Nightmare To Life~

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When we both finished we sat and talked before he got up from his seat and gave me a bear hug and kissed me passionately and sweetly, he then kissed my nose and returned to his seat just in time for Snapes return. We were both dismissed and we headed to the common room and we saw Georgia and Max abit on edge about something.

"Guys whats up?" I questioned.

"Dumbledores army! They have gone to the Ministry to save Sirius as Harry had a vision of you know who hurting Sirius and threatening to kill him, so harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna have gone to fight" Max rushed losing his breath in the end.

"Oh thanks for telling me" I wasnt focused, i went into my dorm and Draco followed hugging me from behind.

"Princess its gonna be okay! They will be okay!" He kissed my head and i felt myself crying...again.


I didnt even sleep last night, despite Draco sleeping next to me comforting me. I lay awake thinking about my friends and what might have happened last night. I got out of bed and showered and changed into my robes before sneaking out of the room quietly, once i was in the common room i saw the daily prophet on the table, i picked it up and read its title

'You Know Who Returns'

I gulped and read over the story about how harry and Dumbledore where victimised by Voldermort and scanned over other things in the paper until i saw a artical that caught my eye:

'Pureblood Slytherin Boy dating a filthy Mudblood Gryffindor'

I read over the artical and just felt like crying, about how rita made up all those lies about me and my family and saying Draco doesnt really love me and things. What if Dracos Parents see this and believe that im a Muggle born even though im not, im Pureblood. I then screwed up the paper and threw it into the fire, watching it burn, i waited for Draco to come down before we walked to breakfast together. I spent the day with my friends, just having a laugh and remembering all the good times. Harry was down all day as he was upset for the death of his godfather Sirius who was killed last night by Bellatrix who one day i will kill. Everyone tried to cheer him up but it never helped him one bit. The day started to come to an end and we all parted ways and I headed to the common room and up to my dorm. I walked in and called Draco to see if he was back yet but I got no reply so I assumed he wasn't, I changed into my pjs and jumped into bed. Once my head hit the pillow I fell into the blackness and into a nightmare.


I walked down beside a long table, around it sat many evil faces all dressed in dark clothing all staring at me, I walked to the end to be greeted with a horrid face of which I recall to be lord voldermort! I shuddered at the sight of him and then his snake like voice spoke.

"Ah Lauren My Darling Daughter! At last we are together and together we are VERY powerful! With you on my side I will be unstoppable darling"

"Yes Daddy" I smiled sweetly.

I sat in the chair next to Lord Voldermort, my daddy, as I glanced around the room to spot that very familiar blonde hair. I stated at Draco my mouth open a little and his expression was the same to me. I lowered my head wishing I had told him before hand about the Dark Lord.

"Now now young Draco have you accomplished anything of your mission yet?" The dark lord spoke his voice evil.

"N-Not yet My Lord" Dracos voice shook with fear.

"Oh dear well here's your punishment... CRUCIO" The dark lord pointed his wand at Draco.

He fell of his chair as he shook in pain, this is wrong! I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw the dark lord still cursing Draco as he smiled down at me.


I shot up sweating with tears pouring down my face, why would I dream of such a thing? What's happening to me? I Panted heavily as I tried to not wake a sleeping Draco on the other side of the room. I needed to see Dumbledore! I slowly changed and walked quietly to Dumbledores office thankfully not being seen by any Professors as its 4am. I whispered the password before walking into his office to see him sort of waiting for me

"Ah Miss Lauren, what brings you here?" He asked.

"it's concerning a dream I had this evening" I was unsure whether to tell him.

"I think I know of your dream... About you being the daughter of lord voldermort am I correct?" Dumbledore questioned as I sat wide eyed at how he knew, I was speechless so I just nodded and he carried on speaking.

"Well, there is something you should know! You should've been told all of this when you were 11 but it was kept a secret for your own safety! Although now you are dreaming about what will happen in the future I think you should be told... 15 years ago, our very own Lord voldermort fell in love with another dark witch, named Gracie! She and him were very much in love and she then became pregnant with a baby girl! Although this girl never got to meet her father as he was defeated by the boy who lived a few days before you were born. Once the little girl was born the mother was killed by an aroura and the little girl was put into a wizard orphanage. A lovely wizard and witch adopted her but the witch was then killed by a death eater and the father left her with his brother to bring her up trying to wipe away the fact she was the daughter of the most powerful dark wizard but the girl would grow up and start having dreams, this girl is you! You are not Lauren Kenzie, you my dear are Lauren Maya Riddle, daughter of Lord Voldermort. This information was kept from you because you are special you can speak parcel tongue, you can see into the future and you have 4 things no one else has, 5 special powers which make you invincible: Power 1 is transportation, which allows you to go anywhere whenever you think of it. Power 2 is conjuring, you can conjure anything you like, you can think of a banana then wave your hand and you would instantly have a banana in your hand. Power 3 is immunity which means you are immune to ANY spell or curse or potion, so you arent able to die through battle which makes you invincible. Power 4 is being able too see the future through your dreams, i can do it too! And the final power, is still left a mystery until you figure it out, all I know is it takes strong emotions to being it out in you"

I sat in shock as I processed everything Dumbledore had said, it was a shock. I'm lord voldermorts daughter?! And I have 5 special powers?! And I can speak to snakes?! Once I took it all in I spoke.

"Wow, Im the Daughter of the most powerful dark wizard, Tom Riddle."

Oh god this is just a nightmare brought to life.

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