Movie Date; Lake

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The first thing I did when I heard the knock on my door at precisely two o'clock in the afternoon, is rush to answer it. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face which had been plastered on it all morning as I opened up the door. The corners of my lips twitch up even more as I see him standing there, a little bouquet of daisies in his large hand. Knowing that he left his apartment to get them instead of just coming straight across the hallway to get me came to my appreciation, and I took them from him as he gestured them towards me.

"For you." Harry smirks, and I lift them to my nose with rosy cheeks to inhale the sweet scent. I peck his cheek really quick before running into the kitchen to put them into a cup of water, not owning a vase.

"Okay, so I don't really know what we're going to see..." Harry trails off as I walk back to the door. I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. I don't really care what we do to be honest.

I listen to Harry as he tells me when we get to the theater, we should just see the movie that is playing next. I agreed with a nod of my head and smile as I grab my purse, noticing the look on Harrys face as I tuck my whiteboard and marker into my bag. I tried to act like I hadn't noticed the look on his face, and it seemed to work as he grabbed my hand.

He was beginning to explain to me how he teaches a class tomorrow, and I was beginning to get my whiteboard out to ask him a question when Harrys apartment door opens, and we both turn to the source of sound.

Lou's head sticks out the door, his blue eyes bright, a childish, humorous hint to them. "Now kids, use protection." Louis tells us, my hand which holds Harrys instantly becoming clammy as Harry chuckles with a shake of his head. My cheeks are pink I know that for sure, and I have a bashful smile planted on my face as I let out a small giggle.

"Lou, leave them alone!!" El's voice echoes from inside the apartment. Louis was about to open his mouth to say something else, but he doesn't get the chance.

El pulls him by his t-shirt back into the apartment, sticking out her head to say a quick goodbye and to have fun. And when Harry turns his back to them, she sends me a wink. I laugh to myself.

"What?" Harry asks me. I shake my head, grabbing a hold of his hand again which had became disconnected.


Once we reached the local theater, Harry opened my door for me and I stepped down onto the asphalt, the air around us crisp as I exited his beat up car. Warm, but not too hot. Cool, but not too chilly. As we walked up to the theater together, I became inquisitive on what movie we would be seeing as we approached the ticket booth.

"What's the next showtime for a movie?" Harry asks the man behind the glass.

"2:35 for The Conjuring." He answers bordelly. He has curly blonde hair, glasses, and his eyes are fixed on me as he says this. I raise an eyebrow at him, giving him an odd look until he looks away, Harrys hand being gently laid onto the small of my back.

"You okay with seeing that?" He asks me, leaning forward to look down at me.

I shrug my shoulders, not knowing what the movie is, and not really caring. All I want to do is be with him. Listening to him talk is enough for me. If we decided to stay in the parking lot in his old torn up car and he just talked to me the whole time, I would be fine with that as well.

"Two tickets for that then, please." Harry speaks, leaning down slightly to speak into the microphone so he could hear. I cross my eyebrows at the teenage boy who still looks at me, feeling somewhat insecure as he doesn't shy away. Most of the times when they get caught looking, they look away. But this fella....not the case.

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