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"Hey, I was assigned here to paint your mansion... Yellow?" I ask, horrified by the color choice, and the man gives me a once-over before looking at me.

"Your name?" The man with the long coattails asks, and I stare at him.

"Victor Fuentes." I say blatantly.

"Alright, well, you can start soon, or whenever." The man says, closing his book with a loud snap and walking away, and I sigh loudly, running my fingers through my hair as a small woman comes up to me with a very large notebook.

"You don't have to start today, don't listen to him, come with me." The woman says, and I look at her curiously as I follow her into the mansion, looking around at all the lavish furniture. I wasn't even working yet, and I was already confused by my orders.

"You start tomorrow, twenty dollars an hour, does that sound good?" The woman asks, and I nod, suddenly interested in the fact that I would be paid twenty an hour, which I can totally continue to save up.

"It's a really big house, so I thought that you deserve to get paid more for your hours. While you're working, you'll probably meet my five children, they're nice company." The woman says, and I give her a curious look.

"Five children?" I ask, interested in the fact that she has a very lavish life here and didn't need five children, but she nods.

"I have a boy and four girls. Kellin, Kimberly, Kayleigh, Kendall, and Katrina." She says, and I chuckle at the name choices. But Kellin, Kellin is a unique name.

"I'm guessing Kellin is the boy?" I ask, trying to make conversation with the woman so I didn't seem rude, and she nods, smiling.

"He's seventeen turning eighteen, he's a really, really nice boy, but also very, very shy. We homeschool him, so he's so used to having us around everywhere. He's never been outside." The woman says, and I widen my eyes.

"Ever?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"Nope, he likes staying at home and practicing the piano, drawing, and he sings. I wish he would go outside more, but as long as he's happy, then i'm happy." She says, and I realize that i'm very interested in whoever Kellin was.

"But, I guess i'll see you tomorrow, my name is Mrs. Quinn, and you sound like a lovely young boy to have a conversation with. We can continue with this conversation tomorrow." She says, and I shake her hand politely, standing up.

"What time, again?" I ask, and she smiles.

"Ten is okay." She says, and I nod, letting her walk me through the house so I can say my goodbyes to her, until tomorrow.

But before we reach the door, the beautiful singing of a raven-haired boy flows through my ears like silk.


Lalalalalala, i'm so exciteeeed.

This will be in Vic's pov unless otherwise stated, lalalalallalala.

I can not contain my excitement for this, lalalalalallala.

I hope you enjoy, lalalallaallala.


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