Primordial Vs Bitch Prt1

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Percy's POV:                                  After my painful encounter with chaos I was strolling down past the statues of the primordials in the primordial version of olympus when a thought hit me because I was the champion of Uranus that meant I could control every aspect of the sky my connection to it only second to the primordial of the sky himself so I decided to test out my new powers. I closed my eyes and let the wind take me and suddenly I was shooting through the sky turning flips and doing loop the loops when I froze in the middle of the sky and my eyes began to glow as thunder rumbled and lightning flashed and a massive storm cloud began to form around me and my form began to slowly change my hair went from raven black to cloudy white my eyes went from sea green to blue with small flashes of lightning running across my pupils white wings sprouted from my back my hoodie and jeans formed into a white toga. A voice boomed out from the heavens   "Perseus Achilles Poseidon Uranus Jackson you have been named the successor of Uranus and you are now the Lord and master of the sky may the heavens rumble with your anger the lightning flash with your might and may olympus bow before the might of the heavens

Percy Jackson Lord Of The ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now