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We made it back to pack house and finished packing. When we finished we made it the living room.

"I'm so glad I'm leaving this place. Nothing but bad things haunt this place."
Said Sam.

"Woah woah, you meet the love of your life here!" Devin protested.

"Yeah, I guess something came out from coming here." She winked.

We all laughed.

"Let's watch a movie." I suggested.

"what are we going to watch? I want to watch a scary movie." Said Guiliana.


Bo chuckled. "Put the scary movie on. I'll protect you Kita, no one is going get you."

"Oh my god, if I die it's all of your guys fault."

We all laughed. And Guiliana put in

"I'm going to get some blankets for you scardey cats." Dax laughed and then went up the stairs.

"I'm going to go make some popcorn" I announced getting up.

"I'll go with you" said Vinny.

I went in and placed the bags in the microwave then turned to Vinny.

He was smiling.

"Nothing,it's just I've missed you so.much."

"Awh Vinny I missed you too, I wish you didn't move. I had no one to give me fashion advice."

He laughed. "I guess you still don't." I slapped his shoulder and pulled him into a hug.

"What's going on here?" I turned to see Dax, with a stone face. "Why is he hugging you?" He growled.

"I actually hugged him, and I hugged him because he is my friend."

"Well he shouldn't be touching at all."

"And why is that?" I asked smirking.

"Because you are my mate, and no other male.should be touching you, long lost friend or not." He growled and walked up to Danny.

I stepped in front him blocking his way.

"He's gay Dax."

Dax confused stepped back, and looked from me to Vinny.
"Wait, so you don't like Jada?"

Vinny laughed, "Not in the way you think."

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I just thought..." He paused. "Never mind what i thought, I'm sorry Vincent I didn't know."

"It's okay." He smiled and walked out the room.

I crossed my arms and popped my hip looking up at Dax.

"I'm sorry Jada, I just thought that he liked you and I didn't know what you think."

"Dax, you are my mate, I wouldn't think of looking at another guy. We're getting married in two days."

Hisnhead dropped. "I know, I'm sorry please forgive me."

I stepped under him and kissed his nose. "I wasn't even mad."

The microwave beeped signaling the popcorn was done. I divided it into 4 big bowls. Dax and I carried the bowls and gave them to our friends.

The group ended up picking 'The Conjuring'.

Kita was under Bo's arm with the blanket covering her face. She jumped at every sound and screamed when something jumped at the screen.

Sam and Devin fell asleep. Those two were party poopers.

Vinny and Guiliana were laughing at everything. When the girl in the movie screamed they both jumped sending popcorn everywhere. They clutched their stomachs with laughter.

I was laying on Dax with one of his arms around me and the other holding my hand. He kept playing with my ring. I looked up at him.

I'm the most luckiest girl in the world. I have the greatest friends and the most beautiful, most caring mate a girl could ever ask for.

"Thanks Mom." I whispered.

"Did you say something?"

I shook my head and kissed him.

This is my life and I love it.

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