123 Amberwood Creek

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The following morning I woke up to a deafening sound of beeping. I couldn't shut out the sound for one second. I covered my ears and walked over to the window. At first I'm blinded from the glazing sun beaming through my window but then I suddenly realised a black taxi waiting outside for me. "Im not ready!" I shout out at the taxi driver to wait a minute.

My actions speed faster than light. How ever was I supposed to meet the standards of first impressions with minus two minutes to get ready? Luckily my suitcases were packed but were spilling out with my possessions. Whatever would my uncle think of me.

My father always said , "First impressions count, especially those who you expect to know a while."

I grab my suitcases to the taxi filling it up one-by-one.  Finally I grant the taxi driver inside with my appearance which somehow appalled the taxi driver. I see him glance in the rear view mirror and as I look in the same place he took his eyes off.

I had packed only one bag in the front which contained only my necessaries and took out a black leather book with sewed stitches to hold it together, I had recieved  from my mother as  gift before she, passed away. 'The Angels devil" it is called, believed it was her favourite, now inherited mine. It's an extraordinary book which I can't stop or take my eyes off. From the second I open the book I get lost. As the journey led on, I could see the taxi driver's fingers tremble, clutching then unclutching the steering wheel, also I could hear his breathing, almost feel it - his heart beats rapidly. The rate which only fear can achieve.

I look up from my book and into the taxi mirror which he seemed fond of, "You should calm down, I'll tell you that, I can almost smell your fear it's desperate. Plus, the journeys going to be long and there's nothing to be afraid off." I say only looking out for the driver's sake.

His eyes engaged in the mirror with mine , "You're an Amberwood right? I Was told."
"Yes, but Amberwood is just another name they call out at register." I say looking back to my book.
"Not just another name Savannah, hadn't you known, your family name has history, great history and very well known."
"How would I know? I don't know much of family, considering I'd just found out about an entire family which I had not heard a word of since yesterday."
"Your father was a great man I'll tell you that, don't blame him, he was only protecting you darling." He said with a slight giggle and look of knowingness.
I looked at him and smiled friendly.
"I'm not like an Amberwood you know, how you or others see them, I'm nothing like them."
"Oh sweet heart, yet so blind, but you will."
His last words left a spine-trickling feeling down my spine, I could feel the goose bumps growing - I was no longer smiling anymore.

We reached a pitch black drive. I assume Amberwood creek. You can see the deceiving sky - no contrast as the blackness of the drive way suddenly takes over the bright blue skies. Now my hearts trembling too. At the end of the drive you can almost make out a small even blacker dot. Every second closer the black dot expands in size revealing it's extravagant size from its original mimicry. I clutch on the smooth velvet taxi handle and pull down until it opens, entering an old toxic musk into the cab and already my luggage is out. I turn around to the taxi and the taxi has gone, no sight of the taxi what so ever. To his misfortune I hadn't paid yet, if only he waited a second later.

I stand mesmerised by the tall structure before me in all its glory. Where do I start? The looks of nightmare but the feeling of belonging. True and rightful belonging as if I was supposed to belong here. I knock on the mysterious knocker. The enscriptings of it look familiar. As if from a dream? Or a very long faded memory. I read a little sign reading '123 Amberwood Creek' but invaded by plants twisting their marks on the sign. My uncle Fraser interrupts my reading flings the door open. He stares at me for a while as if inspecting me up and down.  Eventually I'm greeted into the house.

I gingerly walked into the house. Where to look first? My eyes were pulled in so many directions at once. Right in front of me is the grandest staircase I've ever laid eyes on before, made of marble and Leads to many floors of the house and to my left is a long corridor , so long I can't exactly see where it ends up. To my right ... My cousins. I get a shock as the environment I've been placed in is tense. They were just staring at me like meat all in sync.

Uncle Fraser shuts the door and shakes my hand with his cold one. Then he introduces me to my cousins and I simotanously shake hands one by one and stand there in the middle of the house lost. Evelyn - the kindest appearance of all - leads me up to my room, three whole floors, recently i had become reluctant to exercise and the walk exhausted me. On the third section and three doors straight down. I enter a room with a streak of the sunlights beams. Without warning, Evelyn shuts the door behind me, her looks ever so deceiving to have do this. I look through the door window and Evelyn says, "I'm so sorry." And walks down the corridor. Her heels making a sound every foot print echoing through each and every room along this corridor. It echoes through my ears as if hollow inside.

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