Chapter Twenty Two

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They waited the night out, resting and keeping watch in turns. A small fire made warmth and light, but it was carefully built to produce minimal smoke. Deep in the thick of the woods, Elena thought it unlikely either friend or foe would spot them.

When morning came without incident, Elena was relieved.

"Liran..." The name felt odd on her tongue. She stretched out to limber her tired muscles. They were both dirty, their hair strewn with twigs, smears of blood soiling their clothes. "Is there an alternate route to return by?" It might be better to be unpredictable than to keep to the same route.

"There is a coastal road we can take. We'll have to double back a little way, but it isn't far. It will take longer, but the way is much more open and not suitable for ambushes." He grinned sideways at her, making her want to laugh.

"That sounds perfect. Are there any towns along the way?"

"Several. I think we could even enlist some additional companions for safety in Forzi, which is about two hours from here."

Two hours without additional guards meant she would have to be extra careful. At least Liran knew his land well. Elena would be lost here without him.

"That sounds good. Let's go soon. We shouldn't linger here much longer."


Having had no further issues on their way back, Elena and Liran left their hastily assembled escort at the top of the cliff overlooking the beach where the fortress lay. Half a dozen strong-looking young Trillas from the town of Forzi had volunteered when they arrived. Elena thought it a testament to his leadership that Liran had only to mention his need and most of the village men stepped forward. In the end he took only six, all Trillas. It had seemed wiser since his attackers had been Hilliri.

The wind was especially blustery and the waves pummelled the rocky cliffs. Giant sprays of spume leapt in the air and a taste of salt and freshness filled her nostrils.

They rode the switchback trail clinging to the side of the cliff all the way down to the beach level, finally approaching the entrance ramp to the fortress. Before they could enter, the portcullis swung up and several mounted guards dressed in the deep blue of the Fortress Guard rode out to meet them. In the lead, their captain, a Trillas named Sandro, approached. In a moment his expression went from relief to anxiety as he took in the two of them riding up the gangway to meet him. Elena remembered then how bedraggled they must have looked.

"Greetings, Captain," Liran began, seeing his expression. "I'm afraid we've met with ill-fortune on our journey." His eyes were hooded by his brow in the bright noon sun.

Sandro frowned. "My Lord, I'm relieved to see you well, but where is your escort? We expected you yesterday, but when you didn't return, we sent out riders to search for you."

Liran's expression darkened.

"I'm sorry, Sandro, I know they were among your best men. We were ambushed in the forested section of the inland road from both sides. By the time we were able to mount a defense, the villains had taken down all of them."

Sandro said nothing, though he looked at Elena with suspicion. He held his place as the Prince rode by to enter the courtyard. Elena held back until Liran had passed the gate and was out of earshot and the Captain was beside her. She continued alongside him for a bit. As they reached the shadow of the gate she held out her hand to touch his sleeve and they paused.

"He buried them himself, with his bare hands."

Sandro turned to stare in wonder at his lord's back for a long moment. He returned to Elena, but his expression turned to stone.

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