Part 11

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To say I was nervous would be far from the truth. I was scared.

Mara was showing me my new home. It was...... interesting. The main area where all the activity was going on was a really large cave. When I say large, I'm talking about an area where over a hundred people can fit in and even run around. And the entrance is so wide that the whole cave is lit perfectly. Of course there were a lot of fireplaces lit as well.

Walking around I saw men and women working on different things. Men came and went with hunting equipment and dead animals. Some were skining and buchering with hand made tools. Women were making meals and clothes. Some came and went by with berries and spices. In the corner I saw a few women babysitting a group of children.

And the most interesting and weird thing was that they all were wearing clothes made from fur and skin, men had tatoos all over the body probably indicating something and all people had their hair shaved with beautifull ornaments on the side.

When Mara took me outside I saw even more people running around and working. We were standing in a huge round area covered with lush grass, bushes and surrounded by tall mountains. But one small part got my interest.

'Why are there small holes in the mountain over there? Well everywhere.' I asked and Mara looked where I was pointing.
'Those things are windows. Our people are living deep in the mountain in case we are attacked. All mountains are connected by tunels so we can easily reach each other. Each family has a huge area where they live. They can decorate it as they like. Oh and the last thing. Do you see that window?' She asked and pointed to a window which was hard to see because it was really high up. I think it reached the clouds.

'Yeah' I replied and Mara turned to me.
'That is where our leader is living. He is not here right now but you better stay clear of him' she said and I saw her face drop.
'Why? Is he bypolar or something?' I was qurious. A small smile cracked in Mara's face.
'I can't speak ill of him. You just need to know that he has really infamous reputation. He can kill you in split second if he doesn't like you or what you are doing. So it's better to keep it to yourself' Mara explained and I felt goosebumbs go down my spine.

'I'll keep that in mind' I asured her and Mara smiled.
'Another thing about housing. In our pack we have ranks. The highest is our leader's, then there is Beta - second in command and lastly Gamma who is in charge of our warrior training. People with higher ranks are living closer to our leader' she continued to explain while we were walking back to her infirmary.

'And how about you?' I asked.
'What about me?' We stopped before some bush and she began to pick its leafs.
'What rank do you have? Since you are a doctor here it must be high' It would be bullshit if she was considered like a normal person.

Hearing my question she giggled.
'Healers don't have a rank. I'm a normal person like the rest of us but since I know a lot about our bodies and sickness, in their eyes I have a rank between the Beta and Gamma. But I hold myself as a normal person' she explained and gave me a bunch of leafs. I took my shirt and raised it making it into a scoop or something and placed them in there.

When we got back into the main cave I saw all women making something from flowers. Seeing my interest Mara giggled again.
'What?' She really confuses me.
'Those flowers are for mating ritual' she said and we walked into infirmary.
'Mating ritual? What the hell is that?' I asked. The sound of it was a little unsettling.

Mara turned to her and her face was serious once again. More explaining.
'Every season during the full moon we have mating rituals. It's a time when men choses the woman and mark her. If you are marked then you have to live with that person for the rest of your life' her face was stone hard. Something was not right.

'And what if a woman doesn't want to be with that man?'
Mara frowned. I could see that she was angry.
'That is the problem. We have no rights to say in that. We have to dance and if someone likes you they will simply mark you and that's done. You are officially together and counted as a family' she exhaled frustrated.

'Okay that is total bullshit' I said with my eyebrows up. Mara nodded and started to mix some herbs.
'Ummm... when you said men mark us, what do you mean by that?' I asked and Mara turned to me.
'They bite us. With their canine theeths' she said and I looked at her as if she had turned green.
'What?' I asked confused.
'Rose, most of them are not humans. They are werewolf and bitting us is their way to make us their belongings' Mara explained and I felt my body freeze.

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