Chapter one

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Andrea P.O.V

Flash back....

"Why do you have to move?"I asked

"My dad got a new job Andrea I'll be back for you"Hayes smiled

"I'll miss you lots"I hugged him he pulled a necklace out of his pocket putting it around my neck

"If you ever miss me to much touch it I'll be there"Hayes smiled we gave each other our last goodbye

"Don't forget about me Hayes!!"I shouted as his dad put him in he car

"I won't!"He shouted back we were just seven

End of flash back

"Mom where's my Ear rings!!!"I shouted down stairs

"I didn't touch them hurry before you be late for school"She kissed me I nodded walking out the door

"Yo new girl what's up!"I face bumped into me I rolled my eyes

"Nice to see you Cameron"I punched his shoulder

"So how are you liking the weather here?"he asked

"It's always hot..."I said

"Yeah the best weather right?"He laughed

"This is my first day Cameron"I smiled

"Good luck"Cameron winked walking off I arrived at the school with in 4 minutes when I walked in everyone was doing there own thing I went to my locker number trying to open it until someone bumped into me

Hayes P.O.V

"Dude that football game was awesome you won!"Everyone patted me on my back down the hall I smiled and winked at the girls who were dreaming over me I bumped into a girl who smile was perfect trying to open her locker

"Um I'm sorry"She said picking up her stuff I helped her

"Don't be sorry just don't be in my way"I told her off

"How rude..."She said under her breath

"What's your name not that I care?"I asked

"I'm Andrea.."She spoke I felt weird when she said her name it triggered a piece of my mind but I couldn't have known her

"Well I'm Hayes.....I'm a football player and everything else you could think of?"I winked

"Yeah....I'm thinking of asshole"She closed her locker storming off

"You know you want me!"I shouted at her she kept walking

Andrea P.O.V

Hayes is a asshole I could tell he seemed popular

"Sit here!"I heard Cameron shout I looked at him and noticed he was sitting next to Hayes and his crew I shook my head sitting where I was

"Ok class today will be a good day and I'll make sure of it"The teacher closed the door I pulled out a piece of paper

"Maybe!"Hayes shouted at the teacher she turned around

"Umm Mr.Grier I will get tired of seeing your face one day wait....I am"She joked

"Yeah Ms.Chester I'll get tired of smelling your breath one day wait......I already am"Him and his friends laughed I giggled Ms.Chester looked at me with a face

"You OUT!"She shouted at me

"But I didn't do anything?"I said

"And you to Mr.Grier! You both can spend the rest of the day cleaning to cafeteria tables"She kicked us out I grabbed my stuff leaving I was upset

"Slow down!"Hayes caught me in the hall

"It's my first day and you have messed it up for me"I snapped

"Wow your one of those girls..."He grabbed my hand I felt a stock...I pulled away from him

"Hayes where are you from?"I asked at him I swear I knew this kid

"What's that around your neck?"He asked a avoiding my question

"It's a necklace my best friend gave me before he moved and he should have the other piece we were like seven"I spoke Hayes looked at me

"Maybe you'll find him soon he smiled I raised an eyebrow as he walked away

"There's no where to go!"I shouted at him

"Andrea come by my house tonight I'm having a party"He turned around

"I don't do parties"I shyly smiled

"Oh than I guess your a Loser!"he mocked me I thought about it

"How will I know where your house is?"I asked

"If you really wanna come you'll find a way"He winked walking off

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