Chapter 19

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Authors Note: OMFG!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOO MUCH! THX! FOR 600 READS!!! I honestly don't think ill get so much! I'm so happy you guys are still here reading the book since I haven't been on Wattpad In a long time well bc my dad took my iPod away and said I use it too much so I asked him for it and he gave it back to me! So yay! When I saw I had 600 reads I was like 'OMFG I HAVE TO UPDATE FOR THESE LOVELY PPL!' Haha so her you go!


"One night I was at a club with him and he would always think that I would be the one to take care of him when he was drunk at night. Well this time it was different. I decided to stand up. And then when we got home.." She starts crying again. And I pull her into my arms. But she still continues.

"He-he-he slapped m-m-me. And then p-p-punched me in the stomach." I was now furious. Who would ever touch a girl?!


Sky's POV

I was still not over that he punched me and slapped me I actually never told any one it was like after I told him a weight was lifted from my chest. I let it all out even my best friend didn't know about it! I feel like I can tell Harry anything. I start sobbing into his white shirt and after a few minutes I realise that I've messed up his shirt.


"For wht?"

"Ruining you're shirt"

"I don't care if you ruined my shirt at least I know that you're ok and you let it all out."

I get up from the bed and go into the bathroom to check myself. I lock the door and look at the mirror my eyes are bloodshot red and they sting a bit from crying all this time.

I quickly wash my face and wipe my face off with tissue. I then exit the bathroom to see that Harry isn't in 'our' room. I hear talking downstairs I didn't want to bother him so I keep the door wide open and lay down on the bed. That is until I heard my name. I instantly got up and tip toed downstairs Harry was in the kitchen so wall was covering me. I know wht you're thinking but wouldn't you do the same? Ok well..

"Yes I'm still in it!" Harry shouted


"Her name is Skyler. And how much is it again?" Harry whispered the last part but I herd anyway. When I herd that my heart instantly shattered not on that way I herd the 'click' sound. No this can't be happening. This was all just a game to him!? Ugh!

"Sky?" Harry said unsure if I was there. Fuck! I started running up the stairs thank goodness he didn't follow me up. All that comforting 'I love you's ' were all fake?! He really didn't care about me he just wanted to win some stupid bet just to wht? Get in my pants? See this us why I didn't date anyone after Dylan I really didn't have the heart to have hope in myself. And Harry is no better than him. Fuck wht does everything have to happen to me? I actually thought I found someone that won't hurt me. I actually thought I found someone that I thought loved me. Now just bc of him my heart is yet shattered again. After Dylan I've spent years building my walls I let Harry in and all he has done was hurt me just like Dylan has. By the time Harry stops talking in the phone I realize I'm crying. I really can't do this anymore I'm telling him that I'm gonna move on and that I'm not some toy.

Harry walks in the room and sees me holding a pillow in my face crying yet again. How lovely?

"Sky? Babe whts wrong?" Harry asks acting concerned.

"Don't you babe whts wrong me! I thought you weren't gonna hurt me? Harry I thought I actually found someone. All you did was break my heart again. You are no better than Dylan. At least he didn't date me for money. I'm not some kind of toy and if you think that I am guess again cuz we are done. I actually had a feeling there was no we but I just went along with it. All those I love you's were all fake. Just to get in my pants am i right?" I shout

"Yes. They were all just to get I you're pants. But no I actually fell in love with you sky."

"That's all bullshit and you know it. I just can't believe someone like you can break someone's heart like mine"

"I'm out of here." I say packing up my stuff

"Where are you going? You can stay here the night."

"You're not my boyfriend you dont have to protect me anymore. Or wait you were just forced to by the bet weren't you?" I ask abs he looks up and says

"No if there is something true that happened I the relationship was me protecting you and all those kisses." He. Smirked at the last part.

"We'll it dosnt matter you're not my boyfriend anymore so leave me alone!" I say and he looks hurt in his eyes.

I walk downstairs and Harry is following me.

"I can drive you." He says

"I can walk."

"It's 9 o'clock it's already dark out ill drive you."

"Fine." I give in.

"Hold on. Lemme go change my cloths."

After about two minutes Harry comes In the living room and is ready to go.

"Where to again love?" He asks driving the car

"Don't call me that. I'm not you're love." I tell him

"Sure thing babe!" He says

"Ugh stop it!" I say and he chuckles

"Umm... Not my house so umm... I guess with the other boys and Jess."

"Sure whtever you want babe."

"Ugh. We're not together anymore stop it."

"Would you be my girlfriend again if I cut off the bet."



"We'll.. Bc..."

"See! You have no reason to not be my girlfriend if I cut off the bet so if I do will you?"

"I don't know if I can trust you again Harry"

"Please everyone deserves a second chance. Plus I haven't done anything really that bad to you." He says and it's actually true I give in and he shows the most biggest smile. I really don't know why I'm doing this. But it's true everyone deserves a second chance.

"I promise I'll cut off the bet. But Skyler Marie Summers will you be my girlfriend again?" I start laughing

"Whts so funny?" Hahaha

"Will you please be my girlfriend?"

"Depends on of you will hurt me again?"

"I promise I won't. And if I do I'll die."

"Fine then ill be you're girlfriend again"

"Does that mean you can stay over tonight?"



Authors Note: I'm srry it kinda sucked ill do a double update! I've gotta go tho. Later loves




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