"Why did my nickname change?" Chanyeol asked and Baekhyun grinned.

"Did you prefer Chanyeollie?" Baekhyun asked and he immediately scowled.

"Why can't you just be normal?"

"I already said... I'm Winnie the Pooh, if you think he's capable of being normal... I think you should get yourself checked." Baekhyun stated.

"Well if you haven't noticed, I was getting checked yesterday... But someone made the bus drive away without me." Chanyeol retorted, causing Baekhyun to burst into a fit of laughter with the rest of the table.

The whole time, Mingyu was looking in between the two, trying to figure out exactly what was going on with the two of them.

"Baekhyunnie, do you need any help with your studies or making your way around school?" Mingyu spoke up, looking Baekhyun right in the eyes.

'Baekhyunnie'? Who does he even think he is... Chanyeol thought sourly, crossing his arms.

"I'm doing fine with the directions and studying is great. I used to be one of the top students back in my old school." Baekhyun smiled and Mingyu returned it.

"Alright, if you ever need any help, I'm here—"

"Anyways, today is when the first three hour practice is happening." Chanyeol cut in and everyone turned to him.

"I still can't believe it's three hours..." Baekhyun muttered and Chanyeol shot him a look telling him to 'shut up'.

"After playing basketball with Chanyeol for two years, it gets believable... Trust me..." Junmyeon shook his head and Chanyeol stuck his tongue out.

"I need to drag it out because some people never improve." Chanyeol glared at Junmyeon and he scoffed. Baekhyun chuckled quietly and Chanyeol turned to look at the smaller also. "Don't think I'm not talking about you either."

Baekhyun gasped and held a hand up to his heart. "After teaching me how to shoot and telling me many strategies after school... You're saying I haven't improved?"

"After school?" Sehun raised an eyebrow and Baekhyun nodded.

"Sometimes we would—"

"Baekhyun sucks pretty bad at everything but dribbling, so I had to help him." Chanyeol interrupted and Sehun pursed his lips, nodding in response.

"Yeah..." Baekhyun trailed off and leaned towards Sehun. "You know what he did to me the other day? He picked me up and—"

"Oh look at the time, I have to go now." Chanyeol stood up abruptly and grabbed his stuff, glaring at Baekhyun one more time before he walked off.

Once Chanyeol had turned the corner, Sehun moved his chair, facing it more towards Baekhyun. "So, what's your relationship with Chanyeol?"

"He's my friend."

"Okay, do you think he hates you?" Sehun asked and Baekhyun thought about it, tapping a finger on his chin.


"I don't think he does—"

"Baekhyunnie I found this cool thing yesterday, do you want to come with me to see it?" Mingyu asked and beside him, Kyungsoo was muttering something about people being polite and not interrupting people for once.

Take a ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora