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Sammy's POV~

Ever since I asked Claire to be my girlfriend, everything was perfect.

I was able to give her endless hugs and kisses and keep telling her how much I love her or how much she means to me.

I would always buy her food and give her back massages when it was the time of the month and in return she would give me hugs and kisses, loyalty and just being there for and with me.

I couldn't ask for a better girl than the one that was sleeping peacefully next to me

I stared down at her as I hear her soft snores escape her lips

Her eyes flutter open, "Goodmorning baby"

"goodafternoon you mean" I corrected her as it was 2 in the afternoon

"Oh, well then, Goodafternoon my handsome Sammy" She smiled softly

"Goodmorning my beautiful Claire" I responded

"Wanna drink some coffee?" She suggested and i nodded before we both stood up and walked to the kitchen holding hands

I made her coffee the way she liked it, White and warm

I passed her the cup the coffee as she spoke, "Remember when you promised me that you would fix me?"

I sipped my coffee before responding, "Yeah, why?"

She smiled at me, "You did it."

"I told you i would Fix you babygirl."



i enjoyed writing this book so much i would do it again but for now, I'm gonna focus on 'dear bully' and then maybe there will be a new book :)

Fix you; Wilkinson Where stories live. Discover now