Chapter 20 (Short)

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"Well Ms. Jose I've come to two conclusions about your son's inactive behavior, your son may have ASD, ASD is autistic spectrum disorder he shows most of the signs behavior wise. There is no official cure for ASD but treatment such as behavior therapy can help him improve and develop faster, but the other reason your son may be acting like this may be because basically the little may miss his father, children tend to act different when they're away from their parents especially if they have a close relationship"

Everything this Children's therapist was saying is a lot to take in, I'm hoping that Kingston just misses Trey.

"Well okay thank you for your time Dr. Richards"

"No problem, contact me again if something else happens with him and I recommend that you get him tested for ASD it's better if you do early treatment it'll help him develop faster"

"I will, thanks" I smiled and then walked out of her office. I went to the play area to get Lani and Kingston. When I approached the play area they were playing with each other peacefully, thank god because I hate leaving them by themselves, I always get paranoid.

"Lani and King its time to go home, come on" I grabbed their jackets and we were out the door headed home.


I put the kids down for a nap because I wanted to look more into this "ASD", Dr. Richards was right Kingston has been showing some of the signs. This is just too much stress on me, my baby is coming any day now, I may have to be alone when I give birth, and now Kingston may be Autistic. Trey isn't even here for all of this. As I was laying down rubbing my stomach I was getting a facetime call from Trey, I decided to answer it.

"Hey baby how you feeling? You look tired" he said while smiling.

"Yea... I am"

"What's going on? Lo I can tell when something is really bothering you baby"

"I don't wanna talk about it right now, anyways when are you coming back?"

"Oh yea Lo about that..."

"You're not coming are you?"

"Oh yea I'm coming, I'm coming back earlier that I said, my plane should land tomorrow around 2, but um..."

"But what Trey"

"Two days after you give birth I have to go back on tour..."

"Bye" and with that I ended the call. That was just more bullshit stress I don't need, this is all bullshit! I'm gonna gave to deal with this baby by myself like I made it myself! I'm so tired of all of this, I'm so close to just giving up.....

Kingston has Autism?
Trey leaving? AGAIN!

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