Chapter 2

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I walked back to my house and took a quick shower. I picked Black pants, a white shirt and a green hoodie with black and green high tops. I went downstairs made myself a bowl of cereal and sat on the couch, i watch 10min of TV. I turned off the TV and grabbed my stuff for school, went outside and locked the door behind. I saw Garroth walking to school. I walked to Aphmau's yard and looked up. Aphmau's front door was open. This can't be good, i thought to myself. I ran inside her house and looked in every room for her. Where could she be...wait a minute the basement, i thought to myself. I opened the door and saw Aphmau undressed and held at gun point. I cared more about her being safe then her being almost completely undressed. I quietly walked down the stairs. I jumped out and knock the gun out of his hand. I pushed him into the wall and held him by his shirt. I looked at Aphmau and saw she was crying and i.................


I saw Laurence look at me and then Dariane punched him in the stomach and i was suprised to see that Laurence didn't even flinch. He held his chin and said
"If you ever touch Aphmau or even go anywhere near her i will kill you." I smiled when i heard this. Then Dariane said
"As long as i live i will never leave her alone."
"I can make some arrangements," Laurence said growing a red face. Then he let go of Dariane. Dariane turned around and tried stabbing Laurence, but Laurence avoided it and punched Dariane in the stomach and he hit his head. Laurence ran upstairs and called the police and came back down. I ran over to him and hugged him until i started crying.
"You will never be in danger as long as i live," he said as he kissed me on the check and started pating my head.
"Thank you for everything," i said as i wiped the tears. Then he got up and grabbed my dress off the gave me it.
"Get dressed before they get here, i don't want them to get any ideas," he said smiling at me. I quickly put the dress on.
"I love you," i heard him whisper. Then he frowned. I think that he might have thought i would never love him. I looked up and said
"I love you too," i said as a smile grew on my face. Then i looked at him and he quickly moved to me and i looked at him and he kissed me on the lips. I felt his soft lips land on mine. Then he moved away once we heard footsteps upstairs. A few seconds later the police found us.
"What happened?," he asked looking from me to Dariane on the floor to Laurence.
"I was getting ready for school, and Laurence was going to walk me to school cuz it is my first day and i heard a knock on the door and thought it was Laurence. I opened the door a crack and Dariane pushed the door open and i fell on the floor. He forced me down the stairs and pushed me on the bed. He tried to get the dress off. I noticed his legs were spread apart and used my advantage and kneed him in the balls. He fell on the floor and i started running up the stairs and he grabbed my ankle and pulled me down the stairs which made my head hit the stairs. He held the gun at my head and said that if i move he will shoot me and pulled up my dress. He told me to dance and i refused and then he clicked the gun. I started crying and stopped dancing to wipe my tears and he said that he gave me a chance and that my time was up, he was about to shoot me when Laurence here threw the gun from his hand and fought him until Dariane was outconcious, does that answer your question?," i asked.
"Yes mam," he said.
"Come here guys, we have to take him in," he yelled up the stairs. His guys grabbed him and went in the car. He was leaving the door and i said "Thank you for helping me," i thanked him. I looked at what time it was and it was 11:00 am.
"You just want to saty here and hang out, cuz school is halfway over, so you can start school tomorrow," he said smiling.
"Sure what do you want to do?," i asked him.
"How about we play Truth Or Dare," he said.
"Okay, this should be fun," i said. We sat at the table and i asked him
"Do you want a snack?," i asked him smiling.
"Sure," he said. I grabbed a snack and sat at the table.
"How about we roll the die to see who gets to start the game," i said. He nodded his head. I rolled a 7 and Laurence rolled a 4. So i got to start.

Aphmau is - this
Laurence is - this
"Truth Or Dare"
"What is your worst fear"
"Losing you"
"Aww, your so sweet,"
"Truth Or Dare"
"How many boyfriends have you had"
"Just kidding, i have only had two"
"I was expecting a girl as pretty yourself would have a lot more"
"Truth Or Dare"
"I dare you to take off your shirt, march around singing like your in the opera"
"Fine" He pulled his shirt over his head. Wow is so muscular, ij could just touch is arm, i thought to myself smiling. Then he started marching around. Once he finished his dare he sat down.
"Truth Or Dare"
"I dare you to kiss me for 2 min in a row"
"Ugh, fine" i leaned and kissed him on the lips and he kissed me back. We kissed over and over again. I sdtopped kissing him to see how long we were kissing. Holy shit, we kissed for 6 minutes, i thought tomyself. It is 1:00 pm.
"Do you want to play Call Of Duty Black Ops or Minecraft?," i asked him.
"Call Of Duty Black Ops," he answered excitedly.
"One or two?," i asked him smiling.
"Two, after one game of Call Of Duty Black Ops 2, do u wwnt to play minecraft?," he asked me.
"Sure," i said blushing because he still had his shirt off. I turned on the Xbox and played Call Of Duty Black Ops 2. I put the time of patch on unlimited and put it so their would 1 friend and 9 enemies. I put it on 400 kill points and he pressed a and logged in to my second account. We started the match which was Hijacked. We started playing and within two minutes of playing i 4 kills and Laurence had 3.
We got halfway and my hands started hurting. I have 136 kills and Laurence had 114.
"Damn your good at this," he said in shock.
"Thanks," i said smiling.
"Every minute i am with you i fall for you even more," he said blushing. I started blushing too. Our team ended up winning. We played minecraft for a couple hours and then turned off the council cuz it was getting warm. It is now 3:45pm and Laurence said he had to go home. As he was leaving he snuck a kiss and i love you.
"Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow," he asked me.
"Sure" i said trying not to come on to strong. Then we exchanged numbers. I was bored and is trying to think of something to do. Oh, i know i should get a kitten or a dog, i get a dog, i thought to myself. I walked outside and got in my car and drove to Petsmart. When i got there it wasn't that busy. I looked around and saw the most adorable baby girl husky. She paw the others and quickly moving back to see if they would react. I decided to get her. They gave all the stuff i would need and i bought a few toys for her. On the way home i heard her playing around in her kennel. She was already potty trained. I decided to play with her outside, got thing i had a fence. I remembered that i still have to name her. It took me awhile but i thought of her name.
"I will name you Luna," i said.
Then i saw a girl with blond hair walking to the gate.
"Hi, my name is Cadenza, can i come and play with ur dog and hangout with you?,"
"Sure," i said opening the gate as soon as she stepped in the dog attacked her with her paws. We played with luna for awhile and me Cadenza became good friends. Then she had to leave and i decided to bring my dog inside to eat. I feed luna and made food for myself. I let Luna look around and went upstairs for bed, then i heard Luna run up the stairs and she jumped on the bed and attacked me with her tongue. She went in my blanket a layed down. I kissed her on the forhead and she closed her little eyes. I instantly feel asleep next her.

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