Nick and Judy were grateful for this.

"I expect," Bogo had said, stopping in the doorway with his head turned aside, "to have a full report on how the...meters are going." He turned all the way around and headed for his office before Nick or Judy could thank him.

"Damn," Nick curses, "now I owe him one."

Judy smacks him. "You can repay him by finding our daughter." She hops off of the chair she shares with Nick. "Now come on. We have our daughter to find and an asshole to beat the shit out of."

Nick hardly ever hears his wife cuss, and he loves it. He was hot on her tail as they walked out of the room and headed back to their car. "I love it when you talk dirty."

With the help of the current Assistant Mayor, Mr. Woodson, a friendly beaver, Nick and Judy were able to the footage they needed.

"Why the hell was she walking to the library at three in the morning?" Nick asked as he watched his daughter through the screen make her way toward the library. "She reads enough as it is!"

Judy ignored her husband, keeping her focus on the screen. Her eyes were narrowed in full concentration as she watched her daughter walk to a nearby bench and sit. "She's waiting for someone," Judy says, "but who?"

"Fast forward," Nick said, eagerly.

Judy fast forward just a little and saw an animal makes it way toward her daughter. Her eyes widened and her heart leaped. Is this him?

Snow must have been startled because she leaped to her feet, but later sat down with the animal. She must know him. And from the description that Judy was given about Snow's crush, she had no doubt in her mind that this was him.

"Is that a" Nick asked after studying the screen for a moment.

Judy nodded. "That's Cole. It's gotta be."

Nick went ballistic. "That is Cole?! What the hell is she doing with the boy who broke her heart?!"

Judy shook her head, wishing she knew the same. "I'm not sure, but I don't think it's him that took her."

Nick rolls his eyes. "Just like how we didn't think it was Bellwether all those years ago?"

Judy sighs in annoyance, keeping her eyes on the screen. "Stop living in the past, Nick." Judy fast forwarded some more and stopped when she saw her daughter and Cole get up from the bench and go their separate ways.

Judy changed the screen to another camera's perspective because Snow had gotten too far away from the camera that was currently watching her.

She and Nick watched in silence as they saw their daughter walking alone on the sidewalk. The fur on Judy's neck stood as she saw a hyena walk behind her daughter. Judy doesn't know any hyenas and she doubts her daughter does too.

As she watches her daughter turn around to run, she notices a rhino and hippo come into view and Snow runs right into them.

Tears formed in Judy's eyes as she watched the rest of the scene unfold. When Snow was gagged Judy had to look away, clenching her eyes tightly shut. Nick watched everything, however, unaware of his own tears that formed. He has never felt this vengeful before. He has never wanted to kill before.

Until now.

He stormed out of the room, ignoring Judy's shouts for him to wait. If he stayed any longer he was sure to lose it. He was not going to lose it in front of everyone, especially Judy.

Unfortunately, when Nick made it to his police car, he lost it and began to hit the top of the car repeatedly.

"Nick!" Judy shouts one last time as she rushes to his side. She grabs his arm, being careful to not accidentally get hit. She knows Nick would never forgive himself if he accidentally hurt her.

Zootopia: Snowfall (CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang